Let’s get on ZDoggMD’s radar
Posted Aug 20, 2019
Help by using Facebook and Twitter
We’ve bargained in good faith, we’ve held rallies, we’ve picketed. How much more will it take for Providence to listen to us?
How about the help of ZDoggMD? Dr. Zubin Damania is a Stanford-trained hospital physician and champion of nurses who tackles difficult problems in healthcare using a multimedia approach. He has 1.4M followers on Facebook and 46.3K followers on Twitter. You may know him from his Nurses Week videos and for standing up against workplace violence—he even commented on Nurses Playing Cards!
We’re trying to get ZDoggMD’s attention so he can use his platform to highlight our fight for patient safety and a fair contract. Below are sample Facebook posts and tweets you can use to get on his social media radar.
If you're comfortable using social media, start with one of the examples below and craft your own post. Paste the copy in and remember to add the tags, especially ZDoggMD (or he will not be alerted). Then share your post publicly. If enough people do it, maybe he will notice and choose to highlight this issue!

ZDoggMD (tag: @ZDoggMD), the Washington State Nurses Association (tag: @mywsna) nurses at Sacred Heart RNs - Nurses at the Heart (tag:@NursesAtTheHeart) in Spokane, Washington are sick and tired of Providence St. Joseph putting profits before patients. They made $24.4 billion in profits last year and are paying their CEO more than $10 million. Meanwhile, management is trying to gut our sick time while refusing to commit needed resources for safe staffing and patient care. https://wsna.to/2Z12DsB #ProvidencePatientsBeforeProfits
ZDoggMD (tag: @ZDoggMD), I'm a proud Washington State Nurses Association (tag: @mywsna) nurse at Sacred Heart RNs - Nurses at the Heart (tag: @NursesAtTheHeart) in Spokane, Washington. Providence St. Joseph needs to maintain staffing levels that ensure I can give my patients safe, high-quality care. Management is refusing to make that commitment. Shouldn’t the largest health system in Washington offer affordable healthcare and fair sick time to staff? https://wsna.to/2Z12DsB #ProvidencePatientsBeforeProfits
ZDoggMD (tag: @ZDoggMD), Providence St. Joseph is trying to squeeze more profits out of our Washington State Nurses Association (tag: @mywsna) nurses at Sacred Heart RNs - Nurses at the Heart (tag: @NursesAtTheHeart) in Spokane, Washington by increasing our responsibilities and cutting our hard-earned benefits. It’s a classic case of a putting profits before patient care. What gives? The largest health system in Washington can do better. https://wsna.to/2Z12DsB #ProvidencePatientsBeforeProfit

@ZDoggMD, the @mywsna nurses at Sacred Heart in Spokane, WA are sick and tired of @psjh raking in huge profits while trying to gut our sick time and refusing to commit resources for safe staffing and patient care. https://wsna.to/2Z12DsB #ProvidencePatientsBeforeProfits
@ZDoggMD, I'm a proud @mywsna nurse at Sacred Heart in Spokane, WA. @psjh needs to maintain staffing levels that ensure I can give my patients safe, high-quality care. Management is refusing to make that commitment. https://wsna.to/2Z12DsB #ProvidencePatientsBeforeProfits
@ZDoggMD, why is @psjh trying to squeeze more profits out of @mywsna nurses at Sacred Heart in Spokane, WA while increasing responsibilities and cutting benefits? Classic case of putting profits before patient care. https://wsna.to/2Z12DsB #ProvidencePatientsBeforeProfits
Check out ZDoggMD’s humorous video,
“You’re Welcome (Thank You Nurses!)”
Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Jaclyn Perkins at jperkins@wsna.org.
Please remember: posting to Facebook or Twitter requires an active Facebook or Twitter account. The accounts must be public for ZDoggMD to see your posts. For Facebook posts, please tag organizations (as shown in the screenshot) if you know how. ZDoggMD will not be alerted about your post unless you tag him.Questions about tagging? Email Matt Vivion, WSNA's digital media specialist, at mvivion@wsna.org.