
You said yes!

With an overwhelming yes vote, nurses at Pullman Regional Hospital have ratified your new collective bargaining agreement. Wage increases will be effective and reflected on your 10/28/2022 pay checks.

Key highlights:
We achieved significant wage increases overall and higher increases for those nurses at steps 7 through 17 to ensure that PRH remains competitive at all steps. Combining the across-the-board wage increases (detailed below) and the yearly step increases, nurses will receive between 12% and 22% wage increase over the life of the contract with a scale that starts at $36.70 per hour and tops out at $72.60 per hour in the first year of the contract.

TERM: 3 years. Contract will expire on September 30, 2025.

Steps base through 6 and steps 18 through 30: 6%
10/1/23 (All steps): 3%
10/1/24 (All steps):3%

MSN Premium. Currently, there is no additional premium for having a MSN. Now nurses who have a BSN and a MSN will receive $3 an hour instead of the current $2 per hour. Nurses who have a MSN without a BSN will receive $3 an hour as well.

Certification Premium. Currently, nurses receive a single $1.50 premium for recognized certifications even if they have more than one certification premium. Now, nurses who have more than one recognized certification shall receive an additional $.75 premium for each additional premium. The list of examples of recognized certifications has been expanded to include: CCRN, CEN, CPEN Pediatric Emergency, CPAN Post-Anesthesia, CAPA Ambulatory Perianesthesia, CNOR, CMSRN Med Surg, RNC OB, IBCLC Lactation and ONC Orthopedic. Proof of certification must be submitted to HR.

Shift Differential. Evening shift increased to $2.75 per hour, and night shift increased to $4.00 per hour.

Standby. Weekday standby increased to $3.75 per hour, and weekend and holiday standby increased to $4.50 per hour.

Weekend Premium. Increased to $3.25 per hour.

Float Premium. Increased to $2.50 per hour.

Supplemental Nurse Premium. Increased to 14%

Additional Changes:

Safety Committee: We achieved enhancements regarding the Hospital’s responsibilities regarding safety and violence concerns. We have new language requiring the hospital to evaluate all reported instances of violence as well as concerns about violence. Each nurse who reports an instance of, or concern about, violence will receive a timely report of the evaluation and the recommended changes to address the issue or concern. The Hospital will also provide appropriate resources for nurses to have their questions answered regarding workplace violence, safety and security.

We are working to identify three strong leaders for safety improvements to serve as WSNA liaisons to this committee. If you are interested in serving, please reach out to your WSNA nurse representative Shawn Mork (Reed) sreed@wsna.org or notify your WSNA officers – Janine Lawrence, Trina Partian, or Wendy Deltzer.

Restoration of Seniority. New language that requires the Hospital to restore the seniority of a nurse who leaves the Hospital but returns to work within 12 months. This new language will help recruit nurses who have previously worked for Pullman Regional Hospital.

Notice of Layoff. New language that requires the Hospital to give 30 days’ notice of layoff, instead of the current 21 days’ notice.

Please congratulate your WSNA negotiating team on this historic win.
Trina Partain
Ryan Graves
Janine Lawrence
Sabrina Heitter

Full contract will be posted on this page once finalized.

Questions? Contact your WSNA nurse representative Shawn Mork (Reed) sreed@wsna.org.