
A New Nurse Rep is Coming to Pullman Regional Hospital!

Starting March 16, 2023, Alle Machorro, BSN, RN, will be assuming the WSNA Nurse Representative responsibilities for Pullman Regional Hospital. Alle brings almost 10 years of experience as a bedside nurse from Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center. She brings an extensive background of union solidarity and involvement to include serving as a local unit officer in the role of Member at Large and as a WSNA negotiating team member. We sincerely thank Shawn Mork, RN, SANE, WSNA Nurse Representative, for her service and dedication to the nurses in Pullman and wish her luck in her new territory of Central Washington. As of March 16, 2023, please send any and all communications and concerns to amachorro@wsna.org.

Want to meet Alle? Look no further! You’re invited to cafeteria time on Tuesday, March 28, 2023, from 10 a.m-1 p.m. Alle will be in the cafeteria with FREE coffee along with WSNA handouts and will be available for questions or conversation.