REMINDER! Join us for a virtual Sip n’ Chat, first option is tonight at 8 pm!
Posted Feb 19, 2025
Participate in one or both of the following options to discuss recent issues, your questions, and an overview to reinforce the new PTO/Sick legacy EIB language that became effective January 13, 2025. Use the same link for both options. Only Overlake WSNA represented nurses will be admitted to the meeting:
Option 1: Wednesday, Feb. 19 at 8 pm
Option 2: Friday, Feb. 21 at 2 pm
Microsoft Teams Link
Meeting ID: 281 503 116 570
Dial in by phone
+1 206-485-2614,,674231856#
(888) 313-0615,,674231856 (Toll-free)
Phone Conference ID: 674 231 856#
In unity,
Your Local Unit Officers
Chris Birchem OSS, Chair
Heidi Scharnitzke Labor and Delivery, Secretary
Crissy Sekine IMI, Treasurer
Stacey Alvarez ED, Grievance Officer
Katie Gugliotta ED, Grievance Officer
Brandon Yokoyama ED, Membership Officer
Nurse Representative Tara Barnes
You can always find contact information for your officers on your WSNA webpage
As always, WSNA provides education on numerous practice and union topics. Go here to enroll and complete the learning module for the 2023 Safe Staffing Law