
News you can use for Overlake WSNA RNs!

Update regarding body cameras and tasers at Overlake

On March 14 & 21, the Union will be meeting with Overlake leaders to bargain the impacts of Overlake’s use of Body Worn Cameras. This bargaining is important because the “how,” “when,” and “if” regarding the Employer’s use of camera footage to substantiate discipline is a critical issue for workers everywhere. Key areas of concern include:

  • Under what circumstances are nurses and the Union entitled to receive a copy of camera footage.
  • How the Employer intends to select “random footage” for auditing the “appropriateness” of staff “behavior.”

To be clear: to the best of our knowledge, no nurse has been subject to discipline as a result of a random audit of video footage. However, the Employer has asserted the right to do so, and this upcoming bargain will make sure that the “when,” “how” and “if” of the use of camera footages is fair and appropriate for WSNA members.

CCU Group grievance update

In accordance with the WSNA collective bargaining agreement (CBA) for Overlake RN’s, including but not limited to articles 8, 10.7, 10.7.1 and the Safe Staffing Law the CCU nurses filed a grievance for violation of the approved staffing plan on behalf of all affected nurses. Using the grievance procedure per article 18 on pg. 60-62 in the CBA, the aggrieved nurses prepared statements in collaboration with their many peers in support of the grievance presentation by your WSNA Nurse Rep. Several staff nurses also participated in observation at the Step 1 meeting on February 7. We will update you on the progress of this grievance. Thank you to the MANY CCU nurses who consistently filed ADOs for months and months. In addition to sustainable solutions through work in other committees and work groups, the grievance procedure is a crucial tool that formalizes remedies for the nurses and the employer. Overlake RNs ARE WSNA!

Staffing concern/ADO forms

A reminder - staff nurses are encouraged to submit online Assignment Despite Objection (ADO) forms whenever, in your clinical opinion, it is appropriate. A bigger reminder: do raise your concerns as soon as possible with the charge, supervisor, SA if manager is not on duty, or manager on-call. We have been learning over time that adjustments to staffing may have been possible if the nurse escalates it. Do submit an ADO if it could not be resolved during the shift. Save the ADO icon on your phone for quick, easy access. Share it with your peers to expand the use of this powerful tool to support safe patient care and nursing practice. Contact a local unit officer, staffing committee co-chair Kristin Barnett or Nurse Rep Tara Barnes tbarnes@wsna.org with questions.

Join us for a virtual Sip n’ Chat:

Participate in one or both of the following options to discuss these issues, your questions, and an overview to reinforce the new PTO/Sick legacy EIB language that became effective January 13, 2025. Use the same link for both options:

Wednesday, Feb. 19 8 pm
Friday, Feb 21 2 pm

Microsoft Teams Link
Meeting ID: 281 503 116 570

In unity,

Your local unit officers contact info can be found in the contacts bar at the top of this page.

Your WSNA Nurse Rep Tara Barnes tbarnes@wsna.org

As always, WSNA provides education on numerous practice and union topics. Go here to enroll and complete the learning module for the 2023 Safe Staffing Law 

Online ADO