
Officer elections

It is time to elect your next WSNA leadership team!

  • Now is the time to get involved to support your unit by becoming a voice for nurses at UWMC Northwest.
  • Nominate yourself or a nurse who is a strong advocate for their patients and coworkers!
  • Open officer positions include Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Grievance officer(s). You can find a brief description of the positions on the nomination form.
  • Nomination and Consent to Serve forms can be found in the document bar above or by using one of the direct links below. You must submit a Consent to Serve to be placed on the ballot and be elected.

Please complete the forms and return them to stroftgruben@wsna.org no later than the close of business on May 31, 2024. Nominations forms are in the mail to members.  Election ballots will be mailed once the nominations are received and the slate of officers prepared.

Questions? Please contact WSNA Nurse Rep Stephenie Troftgruben at stroftgruben@wsna.org.