
It's time to stand united

As we continue to bargain with MultiCare over adding our per diem colleagues to our Bargaining Unit, it’s more important than ever that we stand united as a unit. In a year and a half, we’ll start bargaining our new contract together - we need to fight for our per diem coworkers now so that we can negotiate the best contract possible for EVERYONE in the future.

Next time you’re at work, grab one of the “Value Per Diem RNs” or “I stand with Per Diem RNs” stickers in the break room to show management that our NICU is united for our patients, community, and coworkers. Share photos of you and your colleagues displaying the stickers with organizer Grace at 206-553-9794!

  • Value Per Diem R Ns
  • Stand with Per Diem R Ns 1

During our next bargaining session, we will present management with statements from NICU RNs highlighting the value that per diem staff bring to our unit. If you want to submit a statement, fill out one of the forms below:

Please contact your nurse rep, Brenda Balogh, with additional questions at bbalogh@wsna.org.

In solidarity, your bargaining team,
June Everson RN
Erin Pearson RN
Victoria Thiry RN