Watch Adam’s video to the community
Posted Oct 8, 2019
Kadlec RN Adam Halvorsen: Providence has come in and placed profits over people
“I am a former firefighter, professional and volunteer, a former Marine and operation Iraqi Freedom vet and EMT. I have spent my adult life serving the community and now I serve the community as an RN…
Providence has come in and placed profits over people and we as the nurses that belong to this community and are part of this community and call this hospital home are not standing for this.”

Have you already signed the strike petition? If not, talk to the Rapid Response Organizer on your unit and pledge that “If it is necessary, I will vote to authorize a strike, join my co-workers on strike and participate in picketing on all of my assigned picket shifts.”
Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Jayson Dick, MBA, BSN, RN, at 206-858-2139.