
Tentative Agreement on LPN service credit

We have reached a tentative agreement with hospital management on a Letter of Understanding  (LOU) to provide the RNs identified with LPN service years step increases on the wage scale.

This has been a very long process, but we wanted to ensure that the RNs currently employed within the Kadlec bargaining unit would receive credit. The employer is providing this for new hires.

A big shout out to the officers for brining this issue to light.

To get this LOU into the contract it must pass a vote of the bargaining unit members. We will be holding the vote in the Ringold Room on June 7, 2024, from 0500-1000, and the local unit officers endorse a YES vote. Please come by and cast a vote!

In Solidarity,

Meri Bukovinsky- Chair
Jamie Woodall- Co Chair
Vanessa Douglas- Secretary/Treasurer
Anita Dennis- Grievance Officer
Zak Mendoza- Member at Large

You can contact WSNA Nurse Representative, Laurie Robinson RN at  lrobinson@wsna.org or WSNA Organizer, Ryan Rosenkranz RN at rrosenkranz@wsna.org