Strike vote questions
Posted Oct 17, 2019

Strike Vote in the news!
The community cares about their nurses. Yesterday, we announced your strike authorization vote to the media and have already had several news stories:
TRI-CITY HERALD - Kadlec hospital nurses to vote on strike
KEPR TV - Kadlec nurses could vote on strike after year without contracts
KVEW TV - Hundreds of Kadlec nurses may vote to go on strike
Univision KUNW - Más de 900 enfermeras se preparan para un voto de huelga
Your strike questions answered
Our goal is a contract that addresses our staffing concerns, protects our earned benefits and demonstrates respect for our professionalism and dedication. We are also protesting management’s unfair labor practices. We don’t want to go on strike, but we will strike if we have to.
With the upcoming strike authorization vote, we know there are many questions. Here are the answers to the top questions we have heard thus far:
- Does management have a plan to staff and deliver care during a strike? What will happen to my patients?
Make no mistake about it—if we go on strike it will be FOR our patients.
If a strike is called, we will give Kadlec the required 10-day notice so that administration can plan for patient care. In addition, WSNA’s strike preparation includes establishing an RN Emergency Standby Team Committee that would solicit volunteers to work in the case of an emergency. You can sign up for this and other strike committees by submitting this form.
The ANA Nursing Code of Ethics states that “the nurse, through individual and collective effort, establishes, maintains, and improves the ethical environment of the work setting and conditions of employment that are conducive to safe, quality health care.” By demanding that Kadlec Regional Medical Center address nursing staffing and patient safety issues, we are doing nothing less than making an ethical stand on behalf of the patients we serve. - How long will the strike last?
The vote on October 29 and 30 is to authorize a strike. Duration of the strike will be determined at a later time by the WSNA Cabinet on Economic & General Welfare when a strike is called, based on multiple factors including consultation with our negotiating team. - Who is eligible to vote on October 29 & 30 at the Strike Authorization vote?
Only WSNA members in good standing have the right to vote in a strike authorization vote in their bargaining unit. If a bargaining unit nurse is not a WSNA member but wants to join WSNA in order to vote, they may do so by completing a WSNA member application and signing dues authorization that includes incurring an obligation to pay WSNA dues for at least a year. If payroll deduction is not selected, three months advance payment will be required. - Can I mail in my vote?
No, votes must be made in person during the provided voting times.
Other questions?
Please submit your questions and potential concerns so we can be prepared to respond at the strike vote coming up.
Your Bargaining team:
Jacob Garcia (CDU), Martha Galvez (Birth Center), Vanessa Douglas (ICU), Kathy Peot (Resource), Marianne Sturtevant (OR), Meri Bukovinsky (CDU), Joyce McMurphy (NICU)
Questions? Call WSNA Nurse Rep Jayson Dick. MBA, BSN, RN, at 206-858-2139.