
It's time for a WSNA local unit meeting!

Join your fellow nurses, officers, and WSNA Nurse Rep for a local unit meeting! We have a meeting tonight, 1/30, with a hybrid format from 8-9 pm. Nurses should join by phone or come to HEC 6 to meet in person.

Topics for our meeting tonight will include the following agenda items.

  • Officer nominations
  • Workplace violence survey and committee updates
  • WSNA Convention
  • Upcoming rounding and membership updates
  • Community volunteer opportunity
  • Open forum for nurses to share concerns

Please use this link to join our meeting- can’t wait to see you!

Questions? Contact your WSNA Nurse Rep Alle Machorro at amachorro@wsna.org

In Solidarity, 
Martha Goodall WSNA Chair 
Peggy Smith WSNA Co Chair 
Emily Troyer WSNA Membership officer
Eric Holden WSNA Secretary/ Treasurer
Teresa Wood WSNA Member at Large 
Tristan Twohig WSNA Grievance officer