
Bargaining session 12 update

The bargaining team started the day strong! Working with WSNA counsel Abby Lawlor to prepare for the session. After the last bargaining session on January 31, 2025, we expected that management would come with responses to the Union’s proposals on wages and other key priorities. Management came to the table with no counterproposals and requested the parties work with a mediator. The bargaining team has tried to make fair compromises while still achieving a strong contract for all nurses—and we will continue to do so. Our next step is to be assigned a mediator and continue to advocate for our priorities for this contract. Be on the lookout for requests from the bargaining team on how you can support your union and be a part of winning a new contract.

Show your Team Spirit

Wear your "I Support My Bargaining Team" Stickers on February 18 and 20. They are on the union bulletin boards.

Your bargaining team,
Ryan Housden – ED
Jason Kindle – OPS
Jennifer Reynolds – CCU
Kim Scott – CCU
Kala Winter – Informatics
Michelle Phillips - OPS

Contact information is at the top of this page.

Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Stephenie Troftgruben at stroftgruben@wsna.org.