
Assignment Despite Objection (ADO) Forms

If you find yourself in a situation that you believe creates unsafe conditionsons for patients or for you, complete the Staffing Complaint / ADO (Assignment despite Objection) form as soon as possible. By completing the form, you are helping to make the problem known to management, which creates an opportunity for the problem to be addressed.

WSNA and Grays Harbor Community Hospital have agreed to issue the following statement:

"WSNA members are encouraged to fill out assignment despite objection forms if they believe their assignment to be unsafe or have other concerns with their working conditions. WSNA members are strongly encouraged to escalate concerns with their assignment or working conditions up the chain of command prior to completing an ADO Form in order to give management the opportunity to resolve the concern. While managers may discuss ADOs with WSNA members, neither retaliation nor disciplinary action will result from submission of an ADO form."

ADO forms can be found by going to https://www.wsna.org/union/ado

In Solidarity,
Jason Kindle, Local Unit Chair; Kala Winter, Local Unit Secretary; Bunni Schave, Grievance Officer; Jennifer Reynolds, Local Unit Treasurer; Jayme Garrison, Grievance Officer

Please contact Travis Elmore, WSNA Nurse Rep at telmore@WSNA.org or 206-575-7979 ext. 3117 with questions or concerns.