
Virtual Sip and Chat is Back

Join us this Thursday, February 27 from 8 -9 pm. 

Earlier in the day we will have our monthly Labor/Management Conference Committee meeting and Hospital Staffing Committee meeting.

At Sip and Chat, we will bring you updates from those meetings and have discussions on issues which you concern you.

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Observation Unit Nurses

Reminder: Blue Fridays - Wear your WSNA T-Shirts

Continue showing your Union Spirit by wearing your WSNA Blue T-Shirts on Blue Fridays. If you do not work on Fridays, then wear them on a different day. Take a photo and post on our Facebook group or our Instagram, @gshnurses. If you need a shirt, contact Ilia Mondoy atmondoyit@gmail.com.

Your Good Samaritan Officers,

Ilia Mondoy, Raeli Korzeniecki, Mindy Thornton, Aaron Bradley, Atalia Lapkin, Ryan Dixon  https://www.wsna.org/union/good-samaritan-hospital

WSNA Organizer Grace LaMonte GLamonte@wsna.org

WSNA Nurse Rep Janet Stewart Jstewart@wsna.org

Know a coworker who isn’t in our union at Good Sam, or a nurse who doesn’t have a union where they work? Reach out to organize@wsna.org and an organizer will reach out to you!