
More union news you can use

Please be sure you know the answer to this question: When do your credentials expire?

When do your required credentials (BLS, ACLS, PALS) expire? Please do not rely solely on the compliance alerts from your unit educator, because many staff have not received these messages. Be especially watchful if you took your certification from a vendor other than Newcastle, who the hospital is contracted with. Nurses have received PG2 and PG3 disciplines for expired certifications. Management will tell you “It’s your responsibility.” WSNA has been fighting for you, but PLEASE be watchful.

ADO Form/Online Staffing Complaint form – Use it!

Thank you for submitting your ADOs. These are helping your Safe Staffing Committee prove need for change in the current Staffing Plans. Unresolved ADOs may be helpful for WSNA when we file our reports to the Department of Health. Hopefully your managers are using these ADOs to improve your situations.

This form is to be completed for issues including but not limited to:

  • The unit is not staffed according to its staffing plan or if mid-shift staffing adjustments are inadequate.
  • Missed breaks or earned time denied
  • Equipment issues
  • Workplace safety concerns
  • Concerns with working conditions
  • System Failures

Find the staffing complaint form at wsna.org/ado.

Still seeking unit representatives

Ideally, every unit should have one or more unit reps. The responsibilities include:

  • Being a resource for your RN co-workers on union matters.
  • Showing co-workers how to find the union contract or online ADO form.
  • Keeping your union bulletin boards updated.
  • Being a liaison between union members and WSNA officers and nurse representative.
  • Communicating with your co-workers during contract negotiations.
  • Participating in distribution of union swag/gifts to members.

Don’t feel like you have to know everything; we’re all learning. Virtual Unit Rep Trainings will be offered; and the WSNA Nurse Representative will arrange occasional meetings to touch base.

In order to create a current unit rep roster, please let me know if you are a current unit rep or are interested in becoming one by filling out this very brief 5 question form: https://forms.office.com/r/rZCq9pM8ub

Weingarten rights

As a union employee, you have the right to union representation anytime you believe that you are being called into a meeting that may lead to discipline.

Your Weingarten Rights: Under the Supreme Court’s Weingarten decision, when an investigatory interview occurs, the following rules apply:

Rule 1: The employee must make a clear request for union representation before or during the interview. The employee cannot be punished for making the request.

Rule 2: After the employee makes the request, the employer must choose among three options. The employer must either:

  • Grant the request and delay questioning until the union representative arrives and has a chance to consult privately with the employee.
  • Deny the request and end the interview immediately.
  • Give the employee a choice of either having the interview without representation or end the interview.

Rule 3: If the employer denies the request for union representation and continues to ask questions, it commits an unfair labor practice, and the employee has the right to refuse to answer. The employer may not discipline the employee for such a refusal.

What to do if you are called into a meeting?
First ask: “What is the purpose of this meeting?” Then make the following statement:. “If this meeting could in any way lead to my being disciplined or terminated, or affect my working conditions, I respectfully request that my union representative be present at this meeting. Without representation present, I choose not to participate in this discussion.”

I understand that there are many of you that may be afraid to make this bold statement to your manager; but these are your rights. If you have a gut feeling that the meeting you are going to attend seems unusual, please go with your gut feeling. Give one of your officers or the WSNA Rep a call and let’s talk.

Removal of disciplines

Just a reminder, you need to request to have a discipline removed from your personnel file at the time it is due to be removed; usually after 1 year. Please see the language below taken directly from the WSNA contract.

5.3.1. Nurses may request the removal of written disciplinary actions in their personnel file after one (1) year if no further written disciplinary action for any reason has occurred during this one (1) year period. The Nurse must submit a written request to Labor Relations for consideration. Removal shall be at the sole discretion of the Hospital.

In Solidarity!

Cheryl Howe, Chair, skaternurse@gmail.com
Mindy Thornton, Co-Chair, melindaleeann@gmail.com
Dawn Morrell, Griev­ance Officer, fivecentd@gmail.com
Aaron Bradley, Treasurer, plankeye02@juno.com
Stephanie Troft­gruben, Secre­tary, stephenieburr@gmail.com
Janet Stewart, WSNA Nurse Representative, jstewart@wsna.org