We ratified our first contract!
Posted Jun 25, 2019

This new contract gives you:
- Wage increases of 2.5% the first full pay after the ratification vote, 2.5% next year, and 2.5% the following year.
- $1000 bonus, prorated according to your FTE, to be paid the first full pay period after the ratification vote.
- Numerous worker protections.
Your negotiating team worked hard and long to get you the best first contract!
More information will be coming soon regarding next steps that include nominating and electing our Local Unit Officers.
In solidarity,
Your WSNA/Fresenius Negotiating Team:
Patty McCorkle, Ruby Tan, Suzette Marengo
Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Barbara Friesen at bfriesen@wsna.org or 800-231-8482, ext. 3056.