Negotiations session 5 update: As we wait for management to come back with a fair proposal, we turn to our community
Posted Aug 19, 2022
Dear Nurse Colleagues,
On August 17, our negotiations team and federal mediator met with management for another half day of negotiations. Due to the continued lack of sufficient movement on our employer's side in the previous sessions, this is our second session of mediation. We presented a package proposal demonstrating nurses’ good faith effort to reach an agreement while still maintaining our priorities.
Some Highlights from Wednesday:
- Our team shared heartfelt and passionate testimony about what it is like to be a Fresenius nurse.
- We articulated how their proposals have made us feel undervalued and underappreciated.
- We delivered the petition our nurses signed demanding respect.
We are the heart of Fresenius; we are there for our patients every day, on their birthdays and during holidays. We want to stay with our patients, but Fresenius management is making it hard. We want an agreement, and we hope they do too.
We are currently seeking a date to meet for Session 6 to get management’s response to our most recent proposal.
Take Action:
- We are in a coalition with UFCW 3000 (HD Technicians) launching a NEW public petition for your patients, friends, family, labor siblings, and community members to sign electronically. Please share the link: or use the QR code below.
- Wear your coalition buttons Every day you work that were mailed to you.
- Take a selfie with your button on and email them to
- Join the Private Facebook Group:

In Solidarity,
Your Negotiations Team:
Suzette Marengo (Tacoma South Center)
Mia Guilder (Puyallup Center)
Elisha Knight (Mount Rainier Center & Float)
Sarrel Rico (Gig Harbor Center & Acute Inpatient float)
Zach Seikel, WSNA Organizer
Janet Stewart, WSNA Nurse Representative