
Per Diem Availability to Work

When you provide your manager with your “available” dates to work on your next schedule, if you are not needed on any of those dates, you do not need to provide any additional dates. You have fulfilled your contractual obligation when you give your initial availability. If you want to volunteer for other dates to work, that is your option, but it is not mandatory. The actual contract language is below:

Addendum 3: Per Diems

…Per diem nurses are required to be available to work at least twenty-four (24) hours per calendar month, with the understanding that per diem nurses shall not be required to make themselves available to work more than twenty-four (24) hours per month .

Addendum 1: Evergreen Home Care Services – Per Diems
17. Per Diem Nurses (Addendum 3) Per diem nurses are required to be available to work at least forty (40) hours per calendar month, including two (2) weekend shifts within those forty (40) hours.

WSNA Nurse Representative Terri Williams, MS, RN
206.575.7979, ext. 3058