
Bargaining Session #4 Update: News from your Negotiating Team!

Yesterday, January 16, we completed our fourth full bargaining session with Confluence. Special thank you to our observers Waikele Frantz from 3rd floor and Haley Widness from PACU.

  • IMG 1216
  • IMG 2269
  • IMG 2266
  • IMG 1214

Our identity is not single entity

We received a counterproposal from management today. Their proposed language made one thing abundantly clear: Confluence wants our contract to line up with Central’s wherever possible.

While some of the language in Central’s contract makes sense for us to adopt, we voted to form a separate, independent bargaining unit so we could bargain a contract that works for us, not another facility. The NLRB already told Confluence in June that we belong in our own bargaining unit, and we won’t let Confluence achieve at the bargaining table what it couldn’t in last summer’s hearing.

  • While we found some common ground and reached tentative agreements over language for 8 sections in the contract, over 70 provisions are still on the table and we’re developing new proposals over the coming weeks.
  • We had a big win today: time worked on callback will count as time worked when rest time is calculated. This will make a huge difference in departments where RNs are regularly asked to work on callback.
  • An important note: any wins at the table won’t go into effect until we agree on language for the full contract and the bargaining unit votes to approve the agreement.

Mark that Calendar: Upcoming bargaining dates

Tuesday 2/6/2024
Friday 2/16/2024
Thursday 2/29/2024

Monday 3/4/2024
Tuesday 3/5/2024
Thursday 3/28/2024

Hear from Management yourself

Sign up today to be an Observer at bargaining sessions in February! Hesitant to come alone? Bring a coworker and sign up together! Nurses from the same unit can observe at the same bargaining session. Every nurse is welcome. The team is thankful to have your input. This is YOUR contract, and every nurse should get involved in building it! We are stronger together.

Read the rest of this update by clicking the linked text or finding it in the documents tab above.

Your Officer Team,

Chris Gallup - Co chair, Surgery
Marshall Snoddy - Co chair, Surgery
Megan Baute - Secretary, GI
Caitlin Orange - Treasurer, GI
Mateo Maestas - Grievance, Surgery
Rochelle Mason - Membership, Emergency Department

For questions or more information on how you can get involved, contact us:

Shawn Mork, WSNA Nurse Representative, 206-620-4246, sreed@wsna.org

Jenny Galassi, Nurse Organizer, 206-707-2948, jgalassi@wsna.org