
That’s a wrap for bargaining day 4!

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Our day began in caucus, with a close review of our proposals, with the goal of including the highest priorities we heard from you. In the end, it's not possible to address every possible concern. Our proposals seek  solutions to the largest, widest-felt issues that were brought to us.

A fantastic group of about 15-20 additional team members (Team WSNA!) met with our WSNA Organizer to discuss how we can all best contribute to getting the best contract possible for all nurses here at Evergreen. We met for lunch in the boardroom before joining with Evergreen management to present our remaining proposals.

An overview of our last round of proposals:

We proposed clarifying language on the EHCS addendum to include mileage between a nurse's home and the location of their first home visit to be reimbursed and included language in this addendum providing EHCS daily overtime instead of what is a confusing process when nurses work in excess of their shift. We also proposed language to create an EHCS-specific conference committee to discuss issues you told us are important, including workplace safety, staffing, and workloads.

Our next proposal was small but mighty. We proposed a new article that would include the Hospice Care Center in the staffing plan produced by the Hospital Staffing Committee and include the Hospice Care Center in the Hospital Staffing Committee meetings.

We also proposed language to eliminate BSN and RN Residency/New to Specialty Training Loan Agreements.

Our team proposed extending the incentive pay MOU that expires on 10/31/24, with no changes other than an extension.

Hearing from you about the importance of adequate staffing and break relief, we proposed staffing rations and break relief nurses. It is important to note that we included language that break relief nurses be in ADDITION to the staffing ratios.

We made a proposal on Baylor Weekend Positions to ensure nurses get their full Baylor pay and differentials/premiums when calling off sick, using vacation, picking up overtime shifts, or if their schedule changes. We also created language that would allow for implementation of the mid-shift Baylor weekend positions.

Our additional team members made a HUGE contribution by coming and supporting our core team in person. We LOVED having more WSNA nurses at our backs to bolster our position at the table and lend insight and examples of firsthand experience to our proposals. Our core bargaining team wants to thank two nurses for speaking up to support our proposal for a bilingual premium by sharing their own valuable experiences.

Ready, Set, Action!

In our next session, we anticipate management’s responses to the proposals we have put forward. The more WSNA Evergreen nurses we have here as part of our team, the more powerful we will be. You will hear Employer responses and interact with the core team in discussions of possible counter proposals or dialogue with the employer. This is a contract for all of us. Come help fight for what we all need to keep ourselves and our patients healthy and safe.

Having even more nurses here to listen to Evergreen’s responses and rebuttals to what YOU deserve in this contract is incredibly powerful. Was there a representative here from your unit speaking to your issues? Come and see first-hand what our employer thinks we deserve as nurses at Evergreen and help lend transparency to the bargaining process.

We invite ALL WSNA nurses to join us as part of Team WSNA at bargaining on Friday, October 25th. The time to meet is still to be determined. If interested, please contact our WSNA Organizer Crystal Doll at CDoll@wsna.org.

What you can do to help right away:

  • Follow the WSNA Evergreen Instagram account
  • RSVP with our Organizer to attend the next bargaining session on October 25. CDoll@wsna.org
  • Get a free shirt and wear it on bargaining days to show your support. Available on bargaining days during breaks
  • Are you getting WSNA texts? If no, it may be time to update your contact info online.


Can you wear your WSNA shirt on shift or on bargaining days? If you can wear your favorite sport team shirt on the day of the big game, you can wear your union shirt.

Can you talk about union things while on the clock? If you can talk about other things not related to work while on the clock on a minimal basis, then you can talk about union things on a minimal basis.

Can you talk about union things in the hallways? If you can talk about your black cat’s thirteenth birthday party or the hike you went on last weekend in the hallways on a minimal basis, you can talk about union things in the hallways on a minimal basis.

If you are told by Evergreen management not to do any of these things, ask if discipline will result. If not, you may continue but make note of who told you this and when and contact your WSNA rep. If you are told discipline will result, please comply, make note of who told you this and when, and contact your WSNA rep.

Fighting for all of us and hoping for a better future,

In solidarity,

Your bargaining team,

Theresa Blazer, Alicia Oneal, Nikki Paulson, Sandy Gott, Ryan O’Neill Hawkins, Carol Flaming, Jaclyn Miller, Karen Lasota, Lexi Overa

Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Bret Percival at bpercival@wsna.org.