Research and resources
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Government agencies and organizations at the state and federal levels have researched and developed best practices for addressing violence in the workplace. We’ve gathered the most useful resources to help you understand the issue, advocate for safer workplaces and protect yourselves.
The Joint Commission: Huddle for Safety
This article discusses the use of an aggressive/violent patient huddle to increase safety while transferring patients from one unit to another. Staff perception of safety is measured before and after the huddle implementation.
Larson, L. A., Finley, J. L., Gross, T. L., McKay, A. K., Moenck, J. M., Severson, M. A. & Clements, C. M.
(2019). Using a potentially aggressive/violent patient huddle to improve health care safety.
The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, 45, 74 – 80.
American Nurses Association: Workplace Violence
This resource describes data associated with workplace violence and explains the four basic workplace violence types as classified by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Also included is an overview of state laws/legislation and the Joint Commission Standard that requires leaders to uphold a culture of quality and safety.
American Nurses Association. (2019). Workplace violence. Retrieved from https://www.nursingworld.org/practice-policy/advocacy/state/workplace-violence2/
American Nurses Association: Issue Brief (PDF)
This article addresses the ANA’s position of zero tolerance of workplace violence. Barriers to reporting workplace violence and strategies to create a culture of reporting are discussed. The article concludes with recommendations to combat violence in the workplace.
American Nurses Association. (2019). Issue brief: Reporting incidents of workplace violence.
Retrieved from https://www.nursingworld.org/~495349/globalassets/docs/ana/ethics/endabuse-issue-brief-final.pdf.
Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI): Top 10 De-escalation Tips (PDF)
De-escalation is an effective tool to decrease the likelihood of disruptive, violent behavior. This article highlights ten tips for de-escalation.
CPI. (2016). CPI’s top 10 de-escalation tips. Retrieved from https://www.jointcommission.org/assets/1/6/CPI-s-Top-10-De-Escalation-Tips_revised-01 – 18-17.pdf
Washington State Nurses Association: Violence in the Workplace (PDF)
This position paper serves as a foundation for action, joining Washington State Nurses Association with these prominent agencies in seeking solutions to workplace violence in health care settings.
Black, P.W. & Bruck, A. M. (2019). Position paper: Violence in the workplace. Retrieved from https://cdn.wsna.org/assets/entry-assets/3215/Workplace-Violence-2019 – 1.pdf