March 4, 2025
February 21, 2025
Staffing levels keep falling and workplace violence and security need drastic improvement
October 31, 2024
Providence VNA Home Health nurses collected more than a thousand signatures from the community
October 16, 2024
‘I cycled through shock, denial, anger, depression, and guilt — sometimes all in the same day’
February 1, 2024
We asked Rathke a few questions about himself and his experience with workplace violence.
Oct. 10 informational picket was big turning point
44 nurses signed letter to hospital leadership asking for more resources
WSNA and ANA will continue to promote strategies to reduce and address violence against nurses.
January 22, 2024
‘When nurses stand together, change can happen’
December 22, 2023
WSNA shares the many stories of nurses demanding change
December 15, 2023
44 nurses ask for immediate help, say they work in a constant state of fear
November 27, 2023
The TA comes after 19 bargaining sessions, an informational picket, and a complaint filed with Labor and Industries over workplace safety.
November 9, 2023
Attacks occurring more frequently than what WSNA has seen at other hospitals
October 26, 2023
Picket comes after 15 bargaining sessions
October 9, 2023
Explore rising healthcare workplace violence, laws, and safety measures, reflecting on your practice environment, and earn 1.0 CNE contact hours.
May 8, 2023
Stopping to honor the lives of Doug Brant, Jerald Lee Gordon, and all of our lost heroes should also be a reminder to recommit to advancing the honor and respect that all nurses deserve.
January 19, 2023
“This cold-blooded killing is an incalculable loss for Doug Brant’s patients, his family, his colleagues, his community, and WSNA. It is also a horrific example of the growing problem of violence against nurses and other healthcare workers.”
December 6, 2022
We were heartbroken to learn of the murder of a valued home-health nurse and WSNA member, Doug Brant, on Dec. 1.
December 3, 2022
Maintaining situational awareness, reviewing your facility’s emergency response plans, and participating in trainings and drills can and will make a difference for nurses in the event of an active shooter incident.
October 19, 2022
Professional activism is the engagement of skilled and competent professionals utilizing strategic campaigning to achieve a goal. In nursing, it is nurses coming together to assess a need and identify the problem, design and implement a plan to address the issue, evaluate that plan, and repeat until the problem is solved.
January 30, 2020
Incident reporting is a powerful source of information. When used effectively, it provides a factual description of an adverse event or near miss that supports learning, safety and improved care quality. Most health care entities utilize an electronic incident reporting system to identify opportunities for improvement.
June 4, 2019
As a general matter, the law does not afford employees the right to walk off the job because of unsafe conditions in the workplace. However, a situation may arise in which a nurse is confronted with an immediate choice between not performing an assignment or being subjected to a real risk of serious injury or death arising from a…
May 30, 2019
Each employer has a duty to provide a workplace that is free of known dangers that may harm employees. Like all workers, you have the right to working conditions that are free of known health and safety hazards.
May 28, 2019
The state Department of Labor and Industries on April 11 cited and fined St. Joseph Medical Center Tacoma for safety violations related to a series of attacks on nurses at the hospital. L&I’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health launched an investigation at the request of WSNA after a patient in the psychiatric unit…
April 26, 2019
Have you ever experienced a violent incident or assault at work? Is needed personal protective equipment (PPE) readily accessible? Is lift equipment for safe patient handling available on each acute care unit? WSNA’s Health and Safety Survey is a critical first step in making your workplace safer and healthier.
August 3, 2017