February 21, 2025
February 14, 2025
An important aspect of our Nurses Speak initiative is highlighting the careers of individuals who began as staff nurses and then turned their attention to become leaders in the fields of public policy, hospital administration, the law and the legislature. This is the second in our series.
May 4, 2016
We still have a long way to go in establishing a culture of safety in our hospitals and other medical facilities.
In 2011, WSNA surveyed our members in an effort to better understand what nurses in Washington were facing in their workplaces. Five years later, we reran the survey and found that few things have improved and some have gotten worse.
America’s PrepareAthon! urges everyone to participate in activities to prepare for a wide array of hazards. The organization offers free guides, checklists and resources to help individuals, organizations and communities practice the simple, specific actions they can take for emergencies relevant to their area.
April 26, 2016
By June 30, 2016, the state Department of Health must establish minimum standards for the newly required 6-hour Suicide Assessment, Treatment and Management continuing education training. Here’s what you need to know about what’s required and when.
April 25, 2016
In the last year, report finds that 30% of workers in hospitals reported being physically assaulted; 70% of workers in psychiatric settings also experienced violence.
April 18, 2016
When these events occur, people with medical skills want to DO something. As part of WSNA’s commitment to Emergency Management, links have been added on the WSNA website at under www.wsna.org/nursing-practice/emergency-preparedness. This is how you can volunteer to be part of the Washington State Rapid Response teams through the…
April 7, 2016
A 2010 inductee into WSNA's Nursing Hall of Fame, Anna Mae Ericksen started the "Mr. Yuk" program in Washington state for poisoning prevention.
March 25, 2016
New study findings about Advanced Practice Nurses (NPs, CNMs, CRNAs) highlight the “good news” and “bad news” about our workforce in Washington state. The study of ARNPs was conducted by Dr. Louise Kaplan and Dr. Marie Annette Brown, with support from the Washington State Nurses Association and Washington Center for Nursing.
March 24, 2016
ANA has declared 2016 the Culture of Safety year. Here you'll find background information, monthly topics, resources for nurses and more.
On Thursday, March 17, 2016, six registered nurses were honored for their lifelong contributions and achievements in professional nursing and for their leadership in the advancement of nurses and healthcare in Washington State. See photos from the event.
March 18, 2016
We're facing a new public health crisis in communities across America. Opioid overdoses have quadrupled since 2000. As a nation, we aren't doing enough to prevent more deaths. We need to address this crisis head-on – and it begins by working directly with providers like you.
March 10, 2016
The Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action encourages nurses to become part of the count toward 10,000 nurses on boards by 2020. Leap into Leadership week calls on nurse leaders to stand up and be counted!
March 1, 2016
Nursing is a tough gig. So,how do we avoid the pain of burnout or compassion fatigue? What we need is a dose of care and compassion.
February 26, 2016
In most cases, professional standards of care and personal morals prevent inappropriate relationships from developing. But sometimes the nurse–patient relationship develops into a personal relationship that can lead to inappropriate behavior.
February 24, 2016
Washington State Labor & Industries is currently accepting applications for grants of up to $200,000 for projects to improve workplace safety.
February 18, 2016
CDC will host a chat about Zika virus on Twitter this Friday, Feb. 12, 2015.
February 11, 2016
The World Health Organization (WHO) is implementing a new Zika virus data sharing and reporting protocol in order to facilitate the exchange of crucial, evidence-based information during this unfolding health emergency.
February 9, 2016
With the American Nurses Association designating 2016 as the “Culture of Safety” year, we at WSNA want to rerun our patient safety survey to find out whether things have changed since 2011.
February 8, 2016
ARNPs United of Washington State represents nurse practitioners, certified nurse anesthetists and certified nurse midwives.
The Institute of Medicine will convene a Feb. 16 workshop to identify research priorities to inform public health and medical practice for domestic Zika virus. The workshop will be webcast at www.nationalacademies.org.
February 5, 2016
CDC urges rapid antiviral treatment of very ill and high risk suspected cases.
February 3, 2016
Nursing’s role in solving the state’s mental health crisis will be the top issue at the Washington State Nurses Association’s Nurse Legislative Day on Monday, Feb. 1. With 700 attendees, WSNA hosts the largest lobby day in Olympia. In his keynote address, Governor Inslee is expected to discuss nursing’s role in helping solve the…
February 1, 2016
Here's the latest information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on the Zika virus.
January 28, 2016