10 WSNA members win cruise with Nurse Blake
Along with staterooms on the cruiseship, the WSNA winners receive all meals and basic beverage, access to accredited nursing education, and full participation in all entertainment and events.
February 11, 2025 • less than 1 minute to read

Nurse Blake reached out to WSNA offering 10 staterooms on his next NurseCon at Sea, April 7-11, 2025. The Royal Caribbean cruise goes from Miami to the Bahamas and back.
Within minutes of sending a notice to members asking them to respond if they wanted to go, the staterooms were gone.
Nurse Blake is a comedian and said he found a lot of humor in his decade of experience as a nurse in Level 1 trauma centers across the country, including Harborview Medical Center. He has more than 1 million followers on TikTok. Nurse Blake said he started NurseCon at Sea to bring the nursing community together.
Along with staterooms on the cruiseship, the WSNA winners receive all meals and basic beverage, access to accredited nursing education, and full participation in all entertainment and events. Winners need to pay taxes and port fees, which are $385, and the flight to and from the launching point in Miami.
Congratulations to all the winners. WSNA looks forward to sharing your journey with members so let us know how it went! Write us at communications@wsna.org and tag us on social media.
Bon voyage!