Press Release

WSNA statement on the war and humanitarian crisis in Gaza

WSNA adds our voice to the many civil organizations and labor unions in the U.S. and worldwide calling for an immediate ceasefire, access to humanitarian aid, release of all hostages, and a negotiated peace.

As nurses, we are compelled to speak out about the escalating humanitarian crisis in Gaza. The region is devastated by ongoing military assaults carried out by the current Israeli government. In the name of rooting out Hamas for its brutal attack on October 7, Gaza has been devastated: homes, schools, and hospitals have been destroyed, and tens of thousands of people—mostly non-combatant men, women, and children—have been killed. Starvation runs rampant. In the few hospitals still standing, nurses and physicians struggle to provide care without adequate supplies or medications, let alone sanitary conditions.

Although our members hold varying opinions on issues regarding Israel and Palestine, WSNA cannot remain silent in the face of widescale death, destruction, injury, and starvation of civilians. Further, our commitment to equity, diversity, inclusion, and justice means that we must oppose all incidents of Islamophobia, antisemitism, or any other hostility directed toward anyone based on religious affiliation or nationality.

Thus, we join with the American Nurses Association [1] in condemning “all acts of violence, terrorism, and cultural and religious discrimination.” Our national labor partner, AFT [2], has likewise declared that “[w]hatever one’s view of the war and the issues raised by it, there is no justification for using it to spread hate and intolerance.”

We reiterate the call by the International Council of Nurses [3] (ICN) for protection and accountability for all frontline workers, including humanitarian and health workers. ICN also advocates “that people in Gaza and other war zones be granted access to sufficient humanitarian aid, and that those delivering and providing that aid and care be given due protection as demanded by international law.”

WSNA adds our voice to the many civil organizations and labor unions in the U.S. and worldwide calling for an immediate ceasefire, access to humanitarian aid, release of all hostages, and a negotiated peace.

Approved by the WSNA Board of Directors, June 5, 2024