Washington State Nurses Hall of Fame
Surrounded by past inductees, family, friends, and colleagues, 2024 inductees Katherine Camacho Carr, Butch de Castro, Jennifer Graves, Judi Lyons, Dawn Morrell, and Lynnette Vehrs were honored at a gala dinner held March 21.
May 23, 2024 • 1 minute, 3 seconds to read

Since 1996, the Washington State Nurses Hall of Fame has recognized trailblazing nurses at the pinnacle of excellence—those who have transformed the practice, research, educational opportunities, and governing policies of nursing in our state.
We would not be where we are as a profession without these inspiring pioneers, innovators, mentors, and friends.
Surrounded by past inductees, family, friends, and colleagues, 2024 inductees Katherine Camacho Carr, Butch de Castro, Jennifer Graves, Judi Lyons, Dawn Morrell, and Lynnette Vehrs were honored at a gala dinner held March 21.
Katherine Camacho Carr, PhD, ARNP, CNM, FACNM, FAAN
“Her lifelong, sustained contributions are responsible for the quality nurse-midwifery care accessible to all and primarily to underserved and vulnerable mothers and babies throughout the state.”Butch de Castro, PhD, MSN/MPH, RN, FAAN
"He embodies what nursing education leadership needs at this time: a person who, with his lived experience and professional work, advances equitable and just healthcare for all.”Jennifer Graves, MS, RN
“Jennifer Graves exemplifies nursing leadership at its finest. She provides an excellent and enduring example of a nurse executive who fights hard for professional recognition of nurses both at the facility level and in the policy and legislature arena.”Judi Lyons, RN
“Her enormous contributions to both WSNA and ANA will have a sustained, lifelong impact on the nursing profession in Washington state.”Dawn Morrell, BSN, RN, CCRN
“Her leadership and advocacy have extended beyond the bedside into her service as an elected representative. Dawn’s achievements during her tenure in the WA State House of Representatives will endure into the future.”Lynnette Vehrs, MN, RN
"Lynnette has had a four-decade career in which she has focused on helping others develop their voices to improve the lives of nurses and patients.”