Nominate a nursing hero for a 2025 WSNA Recognition Award
Nominations must be received no later than Feb. 1, 2025.
December 13, 2024 • 2 minutes, 13 seconds to read

Do you know a nurse who deserves to be celebrated for their exceptional contributions to the profession of nursing? Nominate them for a 2025 Recognition Award!
The WSNA Board of Directors and the Professional Nursing and Health Care Council seek nominations of outstanding WSNA members for WSNA Recognition Awards. Nominations must be received no later than Feb. 1, 2025.
The awards, given in odd-numbered years, will be presented at the Washington State Nurses Convention on Thursday, May 1, 2025, in a special awards ceremony.
To nominate someone, fill out a nomination form.
We have seven categories this year:
Honorary Recognition Award (May also include the ANA Honorary Membership Pin)
Recognizes significant contributions, leadership, and distinguished service aligned with the purposes of WSNA and ANA.
Award Criteria (Presented to an individual)
Current WSNA member.
Has made significant contributions to, participated in, and demonstrated outstanding leadership that supports the purposes of WSNA, the regional nursing associations, and/or ANA.
Has held an elected or appointed office in WSNA or in their region, local unit, and/or ANA.
2023 winner: Dawn Marick and Vee Sutherlin
2023 ANA Honorary Membership pin: Lynnette Vehrs
Marguerite Cobb Public Health/Community Health Award
Recognizes professional contributions to public health or community health nursing.
Award Criteria (Presented to an individual)
Current WSNA member.
Demonstrates leadership where decisions are made affecting nursing and healthcare.
Is responsive to diversity, equity, and inclusion of communities and populations.
Has contributed to public and/or community health nursing, to the nursing profession, and general public.
2023 winner: Doug Brant (awarded posthumously)
Joanna Boatman Staff Nurse Leadership Award (established 1995)
Recognizes significant contributions by WSNA leaders in honor of former WSNA President Joanna Boatman.
Award Criteria (Presented to an individual)
Current WSNA Member of at least one year.
Has made significant contributions at the local or state level to advancement of staff nurses and improvement of the nurses’ economic and general welfare.
Currently employed as a staff nurse.
2023 winner: Jacob Garcia
Community Partner Award
Recognizes a community or consumer partner who has contributed to promoting health and a positive image of nurses through advocacy and/or improvements in health care safety and quality.
Award Criteria (Presented to a community or consumer partner.)
* Has demonstrated a commitment to promoting the growth and development of the nursing profession.
* Has promoted a better understanding of professional nursing in the community.
2023 winner: April Sims
Health Equity Award
Recognizes excellence in ethics and the advancement of health equity in nursing.
Award Criteria (Presented to an individual)
Current WSNA member.
Has made major contributions to advancing ethics and health equity in Washington state.
Demonstrates work accomplished through partnership with communities.
2023 winner: New category.
Formerly Ethics & Human Rights Award.
Nurse Researcher/Educator Award
Recognizes excellence in nursing research and/or nursing education, including professional development.
Award Criteria (Presented to an individual or a group)
Current WSNA member (If group nominee, at least one is a WSNA member).
Conducts research and/or nursing education that aligns with current evidence-informed practice.
Has relevance to nursing practice and/or demonstrates excellence in nursing through evidence, innovation, and inspirational methodology that incorporate principles of health equity.
Fosters a culture that promotes learning and advancement of the nursing profession.
Disseminates information through publications, presentations, webinars, and/or conferences.
Combines previous Nurse Educator and Nurse Researcher awards.
2023 winner Nurse Educator: Christine Nyirati
2023 winner Nurse Researcher: Monica McLemore
Leadership and Excellence in Practice Award
Recognizes excellence in nursing leadership and professional nursing practice.
Award Criteria (Presented to an individual)
Current WSNA member.
Promotes nurses’ professional development and facilitates excellence in clinical practice.
Demonstrates evidence-informed contributions or achievements that positively impact patients/clients or advancement of professional nursing practice.
Promotes creativity and enhances care quality in a safe environment for patients, clients, and communities.
Promotes a safe, supportive, and professional work environment.
Combines previous Practice and Leadership & Management awards.
2023 winner: Sally Budack
2023 winner in Leadership and Management: Albert Munanga