
2020 – 2024: The pandemic years

Throughout the decade, WSNA vigorously advocated for the safety of nurses and healthcare workers, as members faced unsafe conditions like extended mask use, broken respirators, and improperly cleaned face shields, all in violation of OSHA standards.

This story appears in We’ve had your back since 1908.

History banner 2020s

WSNA forcefully and effectively advocated for the safety of nurses and healthcare workers during the pandemic. Members operated under contingency standards of practice or crisis capacity: they were asked to reuse masks for extended periods and between patients, respirators were worn until they broke or became ineffective, and face shields were reused without proper cleaning according to manufacturer recommendations — all in violation of OSHA standards.

2020 - 2024 timeline

When WSNA learned that hospitals were considering using ethylene oxide, a known carcinogen, to clean face masks, the association immediately took action to stop the practice. As a result, the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries issued a Hazard Alert on April 29, 2020, prohibiting the use of ethylene oxide for cleaning face masks.

WSNA amplified nurses’ voices in hundreds of media and online outlets — local, national, and international — sharing the true story of what was happening on the front lines.

In July 2021, WSNA worked with the Washington State Department of Health on a series of public service announcements featuring our trusted nurses. The videos encouraged those hesitant about getting vaccinated to speak with their health providers, read scientific research, and protect themselves and loved ones by receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.

In 2022, WSNA negotiated record contracts for nurses in the aftermath of the pandemic, bargaining hard with hospitals to secure significant wage increases as a key step in retaining and recruiting nurses. After a picket and five months of negotiations, registered nurses at Seattle Children’s Hospital achieved unprecedented wage increases. At Astria Toppenish, 30 of 80 registered nurses had resigned, but the remaining RNs ratified a contract in August that made them among the highest-paid in Eastern Washington.

In 2022, the Washington State Labor Council elected April Sims as president and Cherika Carter as secretary-treasurer — the first time an AFL-CIO state labor federation had two women of color as its central leaders. WSNA proudly spread the news to members.

On Dec. 1, 2022, WSNA member Douglas Brant, long-time home health nurse at Providence Visiting Nurses Association in Spokane, was killed while caring for a patient. His death shocked the community and led to a large memorial in Spokane organized by WSNA. AFT President Randi Weingarten attended and spoke.

On April 20, 2023, Gov. Jay Inslee signed Safe Staffing Bill (SB 5236) into law. It strengthened enforcement and closed loopholes allowing hospital CEOs to veto staffing plans. The law was the result of hard-fought negotiations between labor groups (WSNA, UFCW 3000, and SEIU Healthcare 1199NW) and hospitals.

In May 2023, a bill (SB 5454) allowing nurses to claim PTSD for general work conditions, not just a single event, became law. WSNA partnered with state senator Annette Cleveland (D-Vancouver), chair of the Senate Health Care Committee, to sponsor the bill.

In November and December 2023, nurses from Seattle Children’s psychiatry and behavioral health unit went public about violence occurring on the unit, getting national media attention. The nurses received big improvements in staffing and security.

In July 2024, AFT, at its national convention, announced that it represents 250,000 healthcare workers, making it the largest healthcare union in the country. WSNA Executive Director David Keepnews was elected an AFT vice president, joining the union’s Executive Council.

In August 2024, WSNA’s Board of Directors endorsed Kamala Harris for president and issued a letter, video, and FAQs explaining why. This was WSNA’s first presidential endorsement.

Staffing Bill Passes!

The Washington Nurse, Spring/Summer 2023 (excerpt)

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Nurses across the state posted messages on social media on the need for a stronger safe staffing bill. (2023)

The hard-fought safe-staffing bill (SB 5236) was signed into law April 20 by Washington State Gov. Jay Inslee.

The bill closes many of the loopholes and weaknesses in existing law and moves patient safety and the working conditions of nurses and other healthcare workers to the forefront; it represents significant progress toward the goal of safe staffing …

This victory was fueled by our members, who posted selfies with placards supporting safe staffing, signed in “pro” on our priority bills, wrote to and met with legislators, and shared their stories of working under short-staffing conditions.

Voice from the Front Lines: Julia Barcott, RN

The Washington Nurse, Winter 2021

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Julia Barcott

At the end of February, as reports of the first U.S. COVID-19 cases at Life Care Center in Kirkland began to spread across media outlets across the country, Julia Barcott and her fellow nurses in Yakima County knew it was just a matter of time until the coronavirus reached their front doors.

“I don’t normally see fear in nurses,” Julia recalls. “But there seemed be a sense of dread among us about what was coming and the lack of information we had at the time.”

Unfortunately, their fears soon became reality. In the beginning of May, Yakima County had the highest COVID-19 infection rate of any county on the U.S. West Coast — a sobering statistic that was primarily the result of a significant number of cases in several long-term care facilities, and due to the large number of food production and agricultural workers deemed essential in the county.

As a per diem registered nurse at Astria Toppenish Hospital, Julia was on the front lines of the crisis delivering direct care to the most critical patients — many of them Latino and members of Indigenous populations. Recent studies by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have shown that members of underrepresented racial/ethnic groups are disproportionally affected by COVID-19 in hotspot counties, including being more likely to become infected with COVID-19, experience more severe symptoms, require hospitalization and have a higher risk of death from the virus.

Julia attributes the surge in cases in Yakima County to lack of access to preventative care, high poverty rates, and differences in cultural and familial norms among people of color. She also says that many workers in the area, like those who work outside in orchards, became infected because they were not provided adequate personal protective equipment (PPE) by their employer.

“We’ve treated people of all races for COVID-19,” Julia says. “But I’ve seen entire Latino families — large families who live in close proximity to each other — all become infected in a short amount of time. It’s really sad to see.”

Thankfully, after Washington’s statewide mask mandate went into effect in June, Yakima County saw a significant decrease in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations — easing the strain on local health care systems and improving the safety of nurses and the community. It was then that Julia made the decision to step back from providing direct care to COVID-19 patients and work in other areas of the hospital, so she could care for her 89-year-old father, Edward, who was recovering from surgery.

“With all of the visitor restrictions in place at rehabilitation facilities at the time, we made a decision as a family to take care of Dad on our own,” she says. “We’re all very close, and we didn’t want him to become isolated and lonely without us around him cheering him on.”

In addition to fighting for the lives of her patients, Julia has been fighting for nurses’ rights as chair of WSNA’s Cabinet on Economic and General Welfare — fielding calls from other members on the front lines about PPE shortages in their facilities, assisting in creating interim local unit contracts and researching how WSNA can better advocate for nurses, patients and other health care workers throughout the pandemic.

“Nurses have a standard of care and are trying really hard to do what we think is necessary for our patients to survive, but how can we do that without all of the equipment and information we need?” she asks. “It’s an ongoing battle, and we’re all fatigued, but we have to move forward and say, ‘We don’t want this to happen again, and these are the things that need to occur to prevent that.’”

Despite the many challenges and issues that COVID-19 has laid bare, Julia says the collective strength of nurses can help change the course of the pandemic in Washington state.

“We’ve saved lives; it’s what we do and what we have always done,” she says. “Once we get through this crisis, we’re going to need to take a deep breath, care for ourselves, and then rise up to get all of the broken things fixed for the next time. Because we’re the ones who can do it.”
