Run for WSNA office
WSNA offers many opportunities for members to get involved in considering issues, making decisions and representing the work of the association.
October 5, 2020 • 4 minutes, 27 seconds to read

Did you ever wish you had a greater say in WSNA’s priorities and programs?
WSNA offers many opportunities for members to get involved in considering issues, making decisions and representing the work of the association. You are WSNA, and volunteer, elected leaders like you are essential to keeping members’ voices at the forefront.
At this time, the WSNA and Economic and General Welfare search committees are seeking nominations for elected offices. Descriptions of available offices appear below. Except as noted, terms for all offices are two years. For more information about each position, refer to the WSNA Handbook for Cabinet, Council and Committee members (PDF).
Eligibility for office
All members in good standing are eligible for office; however, only those members represented for collective bargaining by WSNA and who meet the WSNA Bylaws definition of Staff Nurse may be candidates for the Cabinet on Economic and General Welfare, the Economic and General Welfare Nominating/Search Committee, or Delegates and Alternates to the 2022 AFT Convention.
How to nominate yourself
Nominate yourself by filling out a “Consent to Serve” form. Note that the Consent to Serve form also includes the opportunity to express interest in appointed positions.
The Consent to Serve form is available online. You may complete the form electronically, or you may download and print it. Send completed printed forms by mail to: Washington State Nurses Association, 575 Andover Park West, Suite 101, Seattle, WA, 98188.
Nominate by Jan. 31, 2021 for inclusion in the spring issue of The Washington Nurse magazine
The deadline for receipt of nominations for printing the spring issue of The Washington Nurse magazine, where we will introduce the candidates, is Jan. 31, 2021. If you wish to be included in the issue, please be sure to include a short candidate statement when completing the Consent to Serve form.
Nominations after Jan. 31, 2021
Members who want to self-declare their candidacy for an elected office, or express interest in appointed positions, may do so by submitting a Consent to Serve form by 5 p.m. on April 28, 2021 (the day of General Assembly) or by being nominated from the floor at the General Assembly. However, these nominations will not be printed in the Spring 2021 issue of The Washington Nurse due to advance time required for printing.
The names of all candidates, regardless of time and method of nomination, will appear on the mailed election ballot, to be sent out following the April 28, 2021 General Assembly. Additionally, write-in candidates are allowed.
WSNA Board of Directors
Board members are elected to represent the membership of the WSNA. Board members have the legal, ethical and fiduciary responsibility for all Association activities and act as trustees of the organization on behalf of all Association members.
Three to four one-day meetings per year; may also be appointed to other work groups such as the WSNF board of trustees, etc.
11 members
- President (1)
- Vice President (1)
- Secretary / Treasurer (1)
- Directors At-Large (3)
- Directors At-Large Staff Nurse (2) non-managerial, non-supervisory, direct patient care provider, represented by WSNA for collective bargaining
- Chair of the Cabinet on Economic and General Welfare (1)*
- Chair of the Legislative and Health Policy Council (1)*
- Chair of the Professional Nursing and Health Care Council (1)*
Note: the chairs of the Cabinet on Economic and General Welfare, Legislative and Health Policy Council, and Professional Nursing and Health Care Council are elected separately and also serve as full members of the WSNA Board of Directors by virtue of their offices.
WSNA Nominations / Search Committee
Nominations / Search Committee members request nominations for office and review all completed Consent to Serve forms. They prepare the slate of qualified candidates and recommend chairpersons and members for special committees.
Two to three one-day meetings per biennium (every other year).
Six members (four elected, two appointed)
- Members (4)
Professional Nursing and Health Care Council
The PNHCC forecasts trends, promotes continuing education programs, addresses issues on nursing practice, collaborates with other nursing and specialty organizations, and develops resources on issues relating to nursing practice, education, human rights and access to health care.
Three one-day meetings per year; some committee work outside of meetings is also typical.
11 members (seven elected, four appointed)
- Chair (1) — also serves on WSNA Board of Directors
- Members (6)
Legislative and Health Policy Council
Council members serve in a politically nonpartisan capacity to recommend a state legislative agenda to the WSNA Board of Directors; review proposed legislation and recommend responses; educate and assist the WSNA membership in understanding WSNA’s legislative priorities; and assist in providing information to legislators and the public.
Three one-day meetings per year, with the addition of Advocacy Camp and Nurse Legislative Day; weekly phone conference calls while the Washington State Legislature is in session (usually Jan. through March or April).
Seven members (four elected, three appointed)
- Chair (1) — also serves on WSNA Board of Directors
- Members (3)
ANA Membership Assembly
13 delegates (one is the President; others elected)
- Delegates (13)
Collective bargaining offices
Offices for the following three bodies are restricted to members represented by WSNA for collective bargaining.
Cabinet on Economic and General Welfare (E&GW)
The Cabinet sets priorities for WSNA labor relations functions and activities and is charged with developing and reviewing policies and procedures for the conduct of the E&GW program and collective bargaining. The Cabinet also establishes standards and rules for Local Units.
Four to six one-day meetings and six to eight conference calls per year; additional work outside of meetings.
10 members
- Chair (1) — Also serves on WSNA Board of Directors
- Vice Chair (1)
- Secretary / Treasurer (1)
- At-Large Members (7)
Economic and General Welfare Nominating / Search Committee
Researches and requests names of candidates and prepares slate for election to Cabinet and Nominating / Search Committee, and delegates and alternates to the governing body of any national or international labor organization with which WSNA is affiliated.
Two to three one-day meetings per biennium.
Three members
- Members (3) — candidate receiving the highest number of votes serves as Chair
2020 AFT Convention
Delegates must be members in good standing of WSNA and AFT. Delegates attend and participate in AFT’s four-day convention. All expenses are paid by WSNA.
- Delegates (up to 20)
New appointed positions
The WSNA Board of Directors has added new appointed positions this year. If you’re looking for additional ways to serve, please indicate your interest for the below positions on the Consent to Serve Form.
Washington Center for Nursing (WCN) Staff RN Board position
The WCN is a nonprofit, statewide nursing organization that addresses nursing shortages and builds a robust and diverse nursing workforce to support a healthier Washington. The Board meets quarterly, at minimum, in addition to an offsite strategic planning session. Board members are encouraged to participate on various committees or subcommittees.
Community and Long-Term Care Committee
The Community and Long-Term Care Committee identifies and addresses issues of importance to nurses working in community and long-term care settings; increases awareness within WSNA and the broader nursing community about viable employment opportunities in these settings; and strengthens transitional care processes between these settings and acute care.
Three one-day meetings per year; additional work outside of meetings.
Seven members (including one Chair)
- Four (4) members must either work or have recent experience in community and/or long-term care
- Three (3) members will have a demonstrated interest in supporting community and long-term care nurses, as well as improving care transitions between acute and long-term care