Presenting the 2020 inductees into the WSNA Hall of Fame
This year, the coronavirus pandemic meant that we could not hold our usual induction gala dinner and ceremony. Instead, our six legendary inductees were honored in a small virtual ceremony.
August 4, 2020 • 2 minutes, 10 seconds to read

Every two years, WSNA welcomes a new class of inductees into the Washington State Nurses Hall of Fame. This year, the coronavirus pandemic meant that we could not hold our usual induction gala dinner and ceremony. Instead, our six legendary inductees were honored in a small virtual ceremony.
In this article, we present the achievements, vision and determination of our 2020 class of Hall of Fame inductees. They join 71 nurses and leaders inducted into the Washington State Nurses Hall of Fame since its inception in 1996.
WSNA created its Hall of Fame to recognize the dedication and achievements of Washington state registered nurses who have made significant lifetime contributions to the profession of nursing.
Each inductee has demonstrated excellence in the areas of patient care, leadership, education, public service, nurse advocacy, heroism, patient advocacy or clinical practice.
Their contributions have value to nursing beyond the inductee’s lifetime, and their demonstrated excellence has made a difference in the health and social history of Washington
Congratulations to all of the 2020 inductees!

Jan Bussert, BSN, RN
Throughout her career spanning five decades, Bussert has been a tireless and committed champion for WSNA, the American Nurses Association, registered nurses and the nursing profession. She has consistently worked to build the power of nurses across Washington state to speak up for themselves and their patients in their workplaces, in the state legislature and in Washington, D.C. Read more...

Darrell Owens, MSN, MSHSA, DNP
Owens is a nurse pioneer who has changed the face of palliative care in Washington state. He has been working to change patient care and the systems that allow for patient-centered care for more than 20 years, including developing and building the inpatient palliative care service and the outpatient primary palliative care program within the UW Medicine system. Read more...

Poole has long been a nursing leader in Washington state, and she has led in so many different capacities: as president of WSNA, as a founding member and leader of the Association of Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nurses, as a 30-year affiliate faculty member at the University of Washington School of Nursing and as an appointed member of the Washington State Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission. Read more...

Kristen Swanson, PhD, RN, FAANP, FNAP, FAAN
Swanson has has had an incredible impact on patient care, leadership, education, public service and clinical practice through her contributions to nursing science and nursing education. Her Theory of Caring has provided the foundation for hundreds of scientific studies as well as a theoretical framework for the nursing care provided at clinical institutions worldwide. Read more...

Linda Tieman, RN, MN, FACHE
In 2004, after a long career in nursing and management, Tieman was named executive director of the newly-formed Washington Center for Nursing, a nonprofit created by state nursing leaders in the face of a looming shortage of nurses. WCN was to focus on nursing resources, education and workforce issues in Washington state. Tieman took charge and for the next 11 years tirelessly advocated for Washington’s nursing workforce and built a state nursing center that is a leader in the nation. Read more...

Nancy Woods, PhD, RN, FAAN
Woods is a legend in nursing – locally, nationally and internationally. In fact, she was named a “Living Legend” by the American Academy of Nursing in 2017. The recognition came after decades of research, teaching and leadership that have shaped not only the practice of nursing, but also the education and careers of legions of nurses. Read more...