A musical film about Florence Nightingale is coming!
When a touring production of this musical was shut down by COVID-19, the producers - in the spirit of Florence Nightingale - didn’t give up!
August 7, 2020 • less than 1 minute to read

When a touring production of this musical was shut down by COVID-19, the producers - in the spirit of Florence Nightingale - didn’t give up! The pandemic made them completely rethink the production and they’re now envisioning it as a film.
"Nightingale: Regarding the Life & Passion of Miss Florence Nightingale," by Pamela Gerke, will be offered on a YouTube channel and on DVD, free of charge: a gift to nurses and other healthcare professionals - and anyone else who is inspired by a woman who spoke truth to power, followed her heart’s passion, and changed the world!
This film is currently being crafted by an amazing creative team, featuring a stellar ensemble. Due to health safety guidelines that impact rehearsals and filming the film’s release date has not yet been determined, but HEARTS plans to complete filming by the end of 2020, Nightingale’s 200th birthday! Meanwhile, they are raising funds for the project. JOIN this project's GoFundMe.
By contributing, you’ll be in good company with the SPONSORS of this film:
- Washington State Nurses Association
- SEIU Healthcare 1199NW
- Washington Center for Nursing
- King County Nurses Association
And you’ll get first notice about the film’s release!
DONATE (even a small amount helps!) and POST THE CAMPAIGN on your own social and professional networks (just as helpful as a donation!)
Website: https://HeartsHealthArts.org
Email: info@HeartsHealthArts.org