Florence Nightingale musical to tour Seattle area in 2020
September 4, 2019 • 1 minute, 10 seconds to read

WSNA members are invited to “Nightingale: A Musical Regarding the Life & Passionate Nature of Miss Florence Nightingale,” an inspirational musical dramatization of Florence Nightingale’s life written by Pamela Gerke.
The musical will be performed for nursing schools and other organizations and at local theaters in Seattle and other parts of Washington state in 2020, which is the bicentennial of Nightingale’s birth and the World Health Organization’s “Year of the Nurse and Midwife.”
The show highlights the life and passion of one of the principle founders of the nursing profession, an amazing woman and a powerful role model for today’s nurses. Nightingale struggled against society’s dictates in order to follow her heart. She spoke truth to power, caught the old guard in the act of being obsolete and thereby changed the world. This musical reveals issues that continue to challenge modern nurses, such as hierarchy, sexism and bureaucratic obstacles that limit nurses’ mission to heal and tend.
Nightingale was first performed in a fully staged production in 2019 in the Seattle area for enthusiastic audiences of nurses and the general public. In 2020, the show will be performed for WSNA’s Leadership Conference, King County Nurses Association and other programs. It will also be performed at two theaters in Seattle: West of Lenin and Youngstown Cultural Center.
For showtimes, check out the schedule.
There’s still room to add more performances!
Nursing and health care schools and other organizations are invited to apply to host performances, currently limited to the Seattle area, with more far-ranging venues possible. Host organizations can use performances of Nightingale as a springboard for recruiting new nurses, celebrating and retaining current nurses, promoting their program in the local community and raising funds. The expense of hosting performances can be met with ticket sales, institutional event funds, sponsorships and donations. For more information, email info@heartshealtharts.org.