“We’re only as strong as we are active!”
You’ve probably heard a WSNA nurse rep, community organizer or leader say, “We’re only as strong as we are active!” This is true for our democratic system as well.
June 20, 2016 • 1 minute, 22 seconds to read

You’ve probably heard a WSNA nurse rep, community organizer or leader say, “We’re only as strong as we are active!” This is true for our democratic system as well.
The values that we hold dear, such as putting patients before profits and having a culture of safety, are all at risk as a handful of races could flip political control of the State Legislature. Keeping those who we know fight for our principles in elected office is critical as we’ve watched state after state become right-to-work states, disallowing the right to organize a union. Helping those who are stepping up for the first time to fight for us as elected officials must be our priority.
Coming out of some of the lowest turnout for elections that we’ve seen in quite some time, we certainly have our work cut out for us. In 2015, only 37.44 percent of registered voters actually cast a ballot. Washington also had comparatively meager vote totals in 2014, with the smallest midterm turnout of the past 36 years (Jim Brunner, Seattle Times, 11/12/15).
There truly is so much at stake with these elections. Now more than ever, what we choose to do matters. “What can I do?” you ask? My task as the WSNA Political Action Specialist is to find the right opportunity for you, given your calendars, location and what you enjoy doing, as well as getting any training you’d like to get! Ensuring what you choose to do truly makes a difference is my highest priority, even if you volunteer for just one four hour shift!
In addition to contacting me at nskorupa@wsna.org or (206) 491-4647 to find out how you can participate, please mark your calendar for the important dates below:
October 10General Election Deadline for voter registration, address change and other updates
October 21General Election Ballots are mailed to registered voters.
October 31Last day for in-person registration in order to vote in the General Election
November 8General Election
Not sure what Legislative District you’re in? You’re not alone! Just enter your address into app.leg.wa.gov/DistrictFinder/
If you haven’t registered to vote already, you can do so online by visiting www.sos.wa.gov/elections/myvote/olvr.html