Nursing Commission provides guidance on opioid overdose medication
The Nursing Commission has published an advisory opinion and FAQ on prescribing, dispensing, distributing and delivering opioid overdose medications.
December 17, 2015 • less than 1 minute to read

The Nursing Commission recently approved an advisory opinion and frequently asked questions (FAQ) document to provide guidance and recommendations about the roles, responsibilities, and practice standards for advanced registered nurse practitioners, registered nurses, and licensed practical in prescribing, dispensing, distributing, and delivering an opioid overdose medication (such as Naloxone) directly to any person who may be present at an opioid-related overdose.
The advisory opinion is intended in part to raise awareness about the benefits of using Naloxone for individuals at high-risk of opioid overdose.
- Prevention and Treatment of Opioid-Related Overdoses (PDF)
- Frequently Asked Questions about the Prevention and Treatment of Opioid-Related Overdoses (PDF)
If you have any questions, please contact:
Deborah Carlson, MSN, RN
Associate Director-Nursing Practice
360-236-4725 (telephone)