Jaclyn smedley

Jaclyn Smedley, BSN, RN

Nurse Representative

I have been a Registered Nurse since 2004, and WSNA staff since 2009. Before coming to work for WSNA, I specialized in the operating room, where I had the pleasure of serving as a WSNA local unit rep, sitting on the negotiating team, and felt the experience of being a grievant for an unsafe working condition. Since my time at WSNA, I have enjoyed representing nurses through negotiations, the grievance process, labor management committees, and disciplinary situations. This only skims the surface of the work WSNA does to support nurses voices in the profession that we all know and love. I find that together we will make change for the greater good. I love the nursing profession, and I love nurses. To be able to help support the very people on the frontline who make the magic of patient care happen is my passion.

(206) 575-7979, ext. 3118

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