Resolutions — a summary
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- A resolution is a statement by an organization about an issue or problem. It commits the organization to a position, proposal, and action(s) to address the issue or problem.
- A common format for resolutions—which WSNA uses—includes two parts. The “Whereas”statements describe essential elements of the problem, along with other relevant background information. The “Resolved” statements outline the organization’s response to the problem—what its position is and what it plans to do.
- When an organization adopts a resolution, it is voting to approve the “Resolved” statements.
- In WSNA, a substantive resolution can be proposed by the Board, a council, a committee, the Cabinet on E&GW, a regional association or an individual member. Proposed resolutions are sent to the Bylaws Committee, which reviews each one, requests clarification when needed, and may make revisions. Resolutions are then forwarded to the Board for its review. They are then considered by the General Assembly, which can vote to approve or reject the resolution. Approving a resolution requires a simple majority (50% + 1) vote. The General Assembly can also vote to amend the resolution. (Because it only votes on the “Resolved” statements, only those statements can be amended). Amendments require a two-thirds majority vote.
- Sometimes, an issue or problem emerges after the deadline for submitting a resolution. In that case, an emergency resolution can be proposed by the start of the Convention; the Bylaws Committee will meet on the morning of the General Assembly to consider any such resolutions.
- There are two other kinds of resolutions that may come before the General Assembly: courtesy resolutions, which recognize individuals who have made outstanding contributions to WSNA; and commemorative resolutions, which commemorate important events or developments in nursing, health care or government.
- After a resolution has been adopted by the General Assembly, the Board of Directors may assign it to a council, a committee or the Cabinet for implementation.
More details on the resolutions process can be found at Bylaws and resolutions.