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The WSNA Nominations / Search Committee and the Economic and General Welfare (E&GW) Nominating / Search Committee thank all the nurses who have chosen to run for elected office this year. WSNA is a member-driven organization. YOU are WSNA, and volunteer elected leaders like you are essential to keeping members’ voices at the forefront.
About the positions
Having trouble deciding who to vote for? The Leadership and advocacy groups page is designed to help you understand the roles, responsibilities, and commitments of the positions each candidate is vying for. This way, you can make an informed vote that shapes the future of nursing practice, healthcare policy, and labor relations.
- May 24, 2023 — Notice of election, timeline, and unique ballot access code mailed to each WSNA member.
- May 26, 2023 — Elections open
- June 26, 2023 — Elections close
- June 27, 2023 — Ballots tabulated and election results announced
Justin Gill, DNP, ARNP, RN
King County Nurses Association, Bothell
Urgent Care Nurse Practitioner, Providence Health & Services
Present office
Vice President, WSNA Board of Directors
Certifications, honors, and awards
Family Nurse Practitioner Board Certification, American Association of Nurse Practitioner Certification Board. Keynote Commencement Speaker: University of Washington, Bothell; Keynote Speaker at Whatcom Community College 2021 Commencement in Bellingham; Keynote Speaker, University of Washington Sigma Theta Tau; “Best Poster Award” University of Washington Advanced Practice Nursing Conference (October 2018); 2017 Outstanding Alumni Award – UW Bothell School of Nursing & Health Studies; and American Nurses Association (ANA) 2014 Nurse Advocate Award Winner
“Since becoming licensed as a registered nurse in Washington state, WSNA has been an organization that has played a major role in my professional development. The organization consistently represents the interests of the most trusted profession in the state. My experience as a member of a WSNA collective bargaining unit, and later, as a sustaining professional member, has strengthened my belief that WSNA should be at the table in all health policy discussions in Washington state.
As a nurse practitioner at the bedside in an urgent care clinic, caring for patients directly throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, I firmly believe that nursing represents the backbone and foundation of our healthcare system. I see strength in the diversity of the profession. As a former Legislative/Health Policy Council Chair and member, I realize the need for nurses to be active and visible at the bedside and in Olympia.
I am humbled by the contributions of current and former leaders of WSNA. If I am honored to serve as WSNA's next president, I will be committed to serving and advocating for all nurses in Washington state.”
Vice President
Julia Barcott, RN
Central Washington Regional Nurses Association, Yakima
ICU RN, Astria Toppenish Hospital
Present office
Chair, Cabinet on Economic and General Welfare, and member of the Board of Directors
Certifications, honors, and awards
WSNA Rising Star Award, WSNA Adversity Award (team award)
“Nurses need to be at the forefront of advocacy for our profession and our patients. If we're not at the table, others that don't know anything about nursing will make the decisions for us. We need safe staffing, protections against workplace violence, and the ability to give safe, appropriate care to our patients. This is our time to rise up together to get things accomplished. We do extraordinary things every day and deserve respect. We know what nurses and patients need and how to get it done. My years of experience put me in a position to advocate for all of you. I'm ready and willing to step up to advocate for our profession.”
Secretary / Treasurer
Martha Goodall, ADN, RN
Inland Empire Nurses Association, Mead
Critical Care RN – ICU, Providence Holy Family Hospital
Present office
Treasurer, WSNA Board of Directors
“I would like to continue helping influence nursing practice in Washington state. I have been active on many levels of WSNA. I would bring that experience forward if elected.”
Director At Large (3 open positions)
Sean Dumas, BSN, RN
King County Nurses Association, Shoreline
Supervisor, Public Health – Seattle & King County
Present office
At-large member, WSNA Board of Directors
Certifications, honors, and awards
“I am seeking to continue to be involved in the WSNA Board to provide a more diverse perspective to leadership and association members. I believe my 25-plus years of nursing experience, work in public health with underserved populations, and my 15 years as a nursing leader are key assets to share as a board member. I thank you for considering me for this position.”
John Gustafson, BA, ADN, RN, CMSRN
Rainier Olympic Nurses Association, Poulsbo
Present office
At-large member, WSNA Board of Directors
Certifications, honors, and awards
Daisy Award at St. Joseph Medical Center 2018, CMSRN, Food Service Director of the Year. Professional memberships: WSNA, UFCW3000, ANA, ONS member, Puget Sound ONS member, and AMSN Academy of Medical Surgical Nurses member
“I have been a member of WSNA since becoming an RN nearly 13 years ago. I am running for a second term on the Board of Directors simply because I love doing the work; it’s rewarding, and the cumulative knowledge will help me to be more effective. As a child, my parents instilled in me the importance of helping others by volunteering time for causes. There is so much that must be done advocating for nurses and their patients. I have an enthusiastic passion for the profession, and I am learning so much every day, finding improvements, answers, and helpful solutions. As a past co-chair of two staffing committees at large hospitals, it was so upsetting when the safe staffing bill did not move forward in the Ways and Means Committee last year. As staffing co-chair, I read the many complaints CSI/ADOs. Empathy is ingrained in my bones. The thousands of nursing stories motivate me in a big wayto solve. It is craziness for the hospital to try to find staffing, and when it does not happen the complaint is resolved as the answer. I say, “NO WAY.” It is common knowledge that hospitals are not being held accountable for unsafe staffing. This demands all hands-on deck fixing. As a result of this, I will stand up with many of my colleagues and speak out. Hospitals can do so much more to retain nurses and properly staff their hospital safely. As an RN, I have an ethical and moral obligation to do whatever I can to help. All nurses need legal uninterrupted rest breaks, safe and appropriate staffing, and full support for zero tolerance regarding violence in the workplace. Although progress has been made, it's not enough. Enforcement and accountability is my current focus.
My talents surround looking for solutions and not tolerating nonsense. Service matters and complaints are gifts. By serving and leaning in, I have a better perspective and can drive that much harder to affect meaningful change for nurses.”
Pamela Pasquale, MN, RN
District 7, Wenatchee
Professional Foot Care Nurse, self-employed
Present office
At-large member, Professional Nursing and Health Care Council
Certifications, honors, and awards
ANA Board Certified Gerontology, 2001-2021
“WSNA has never been more challenged as the association regains its stability coming out of the COVID pandemic. As has been shown with collective bargaining contracts over the last year, there are still important issues for WSNA to continue educating our nurse members and the community. Issues such as continued legislative and collective bargaining efforts to assure safety in the workplace and a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion within the workplace as well as the association. Working to improve the understanding and appreciation of the role public health plays in keeping communities healthy and thriving. And expanding WSNA membership to other areas where nurses play a key role in health support. The board and executive director benefit from long-time members with experience on different councils, committees, and who have previously served on the board to maintain the mission as a recognized leader for nurses and nursing.”
Heather Stephen-Selby, MSN, ARNP-BC, RN
King County Nurses Association, Renton
Director Clinical Services, Healthpoint Community Health
Present office
At-large member, WSNA Board of Directors
Certifications, honors, and awards
Family Nurse Practitioner. WSNA Ethics and Human Rights Award, Renton Technical College Faculty Award, and King County Nurses Association Shining Star Award
“I am currently serving as a committed and active board member along with being a member of the Washington State Nurses Foundation. I am seeking re-election to the WSNA board in the role of member at-large. I believe in WSNA’s mission of Leadership, Promoting Quality Health Care, Education, Advocacy, and Influencing Healthcare Policy. The last couple of years have been unprecedented in the demands, challenges, and opportunities for nursing as a profession. Like many of you, I struggled to keep my head above water and found that engagement and the work of the board was powerful. At our meetings, WSNA advocated, rallied, and led our state in addressing safe workplaces (PPE), staffing shortages and gaps, and advocated for quality care for our communities. With public awareness being high related to the impact of nursing care and safe staffing for all healthcare settings, now is the time to build on previous legislative work to move us forward for safer working conditions with the right staffing. My experience, background. and previous roles as an administrator, dean, educator, and practitioner are integral to my participation and engagement for change. My commitment is unwavering in the work we do, and I have had the privilege of serving in a variety of roles within WSNA including; the Professional Nurse and Health Care Council, former assistant executive director, and board member for the past two years. Currently, I am the secretary of KCNA, which has provided a platform for continuing the work as a servant leader.”
Director At-Large, Staff Nurse (2 open positions)
Sara M. Bergenholtz, BSN, RN
District 7, Wenatchee
ED Nurse, Confluence Health
Present office
At large member, WSNA Board of Directors
“I am a strong advocate for both patients and all healthcare workers. I have innovative, out-of-the-box answers to new and existing problems. I am passionate about developing nursing as a profession and advocating for nurses’ rights. I am familiar with labor law and the political system. I’m a good communicator with my constituents and have experience in promoting and creating active engagement with members.”
Kelsey Gellner, BSN, RN
King County Nurses Association, Shoreline
PICU RN at Seattle Children's Hospital
“In my time as a nurse, I have been a fierce advocate for both patients and staff. I have seen the beautiful collaboration and perseverance of our nurses, but also the heartbreak and burnout. These past few years have felt like we were on a sinking ship and administration abandoned us. Now it is up to us to advocate for progress and improvement. I believe being a young nurse I bring experience but also a new energy to continue advocating for our staff on the state and federal level. I look forward to becoming more involved to pave the way for the future in nursing."
Chair (also serves on the Board of Directors)
Erin Allison, BSN, RN, CEN
Northwest Regional Nurses Association, Bellingham
Registered Nurse – Emergency, PeaceHealth St. Joseph Medical Center
Present office
Chair, Legislative & Health Policy Council
Certifications, honors, and awards
Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN)
“I am seeking to continue my tenure as chair of the Legislative Health Policy Council for a second term. I bring six years of experience on this council and have developed working relationships with other WSNA members as well as state representatives and senators.”
Member At-Large (3 open positions)
Ingrid Anderson, MSN, RN, CEN, SANE
King County Nurses Association, Snoqualmie
Staff Nurse, Overlake Hospital Medical Center
Present office
At-large member, Legislative and Health Policy Council
Certifications, honors, and awards
WSNA Joanna Boatman Staff Nurse Leadership Award, 2021
“As a nurse with more than 15 years' experience working in emergency nursing, sexual assault forensic nursing, and psychiatric nursing, I have a unique perspective and understanding of how our healthcare system is and isn't working. I have advocated for changes in legislation and helped secure passage of bills including the rest break bill in 2019. I hope to have the privilege of continuing to serve the nurses of Washington on the WSNA Legislative and Healthcare Policy Council.”
Stacie Hiett, BSN, RN
King County Nurses Association, Shoreline
PACU RN, UWMC - Montlake
Present office
Local Unit Rep, UWMC - Montlake, Volunteer advocate for American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)
"I am seeking this position because no time is better than NOW to fight for healthcare for all, especially mental healthcare. It is also time to put restraints on the insurance companies' ability to act against what healthcare professionals feel is best for their patients. I have been an RN for 35 years (ICU then PACU) and I am sickened by our broken healthcare system.This is also very personal. In 2006 I lost my dear brother to suicide. Care was withheld due to lack of insurance. I've also been bullied by doctors working for a particular insurance company regarding care for my father. Both situations are appalling. Both deserved better. Since my brother's death I have been an advocate for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP), walking all over the country, raising funds & awareness for mental health, as well as, emailing legislatures to encourage passages of various bills. Our latest victory is finally the rollout of our national crisis line number 988. If elected to this office I would bring a passion to do what is right for every citizen in Washington State. That right is to have adequate healthcare AND access to that healthcare."
Emily Kay, BSN, RN
King County Nurses Association, Seattle
RN – PICU, Seattle Children’s Hospital
“I was inspired to seek this position after participating in 2023 WSNA Lobby Day. I would like to serve on the Legislative and Health Policy Council because I believe that changing the law is one of the most powerful ways to impact the healthcare system for good. I am passionate about nurses and believe that when nurses are well-supported it has a huge impact on the health of communities. I believe that my experience as a pediatric inpatient nurse in Washington, in addition to my passion for legislative change, would contribute to the strength of this council.”
Evette Kendall, RN
Central Washington Regional Nurses Association, Yakima
Charge Nurse, Astria Toppenish Hospital
“I would like to be more of a steward to my union. I have a strong sense of duty to change the culture of nursing regarding staffing and or treatment of nurses individually. I can make decisions based on fair and nonbiased information. I enjoy learning new ways to care for my patients and by encouraging others in a positive way.”
Cheryl Osler, EdD, MS-CNS, MA-LMHC, RN, MSL, CNE, CLNC
Inland Empire Nurses Association, Spokane
Associate Dean of Nursing, Spokane Community College
Certifications, honors, and awards
Certification in Simulation Education, Services to Armed Forces Resiliency Adult Facilitator with the American Red Cross (2021), Services to Armed Forces Resiliency Mind-Body Facilitator with the American Red Cross (2021), Services to Armed Forces Resiliency Youth Facilitator with the American Red Cross (2021), Disaster Mental Health Counselor with the American Red Cross (2020), Youth Preparedness Educator with the American Red Cross (2020), Certified in Healthcare Compliance (2019), Certified in Business Law (2019), Certified Nurse Educator (2017), Advanced Holistic Nurse-Board Certified (2015), Disaster Response Certified (2015), Certified Nurse Herbalist (2015), Certified Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback Practitioner (2014), Certified Neurofeedback Practitioner (2014), Rational Living Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – Level Three Certification (2011), Critical Incident Stress Management Certification (2010), Certified in Rational Hypnotherapy (2009), National Certified Counselor (2009), Licensed Mental Health Counselor (2009), Certified Nurse Delegator in Washington State (2008), Certified CPR Instructor (2007), Certified Legal Nurse Consultant (CLNC) (2005), Certified in Counseling for Battered Women (1993), American Red Cross Collaborative Volunteer Award (2022), American Red Cross Spirit Service Award (2021), American Red Cross Northwest Region Outstanding Preparedness Volunteer Award for the Month of March 2021, and Seattle Pacific University Alumni Award (2009)
“I am seeking the position to be on the Legislative and Health Policy Council board. I am interested in this position because my experience and educational background will be a good fit to make a positive contribution. I have 33 years of nursing experience, including 20 years in nursing education as a nursing professor, and I am presently serving as the associate dean of Nursing at Spokane Community College since 2015. Furthermore, my experience as a staff and charge nurse includes working on a pediatric bone marrow transplant unit, an antepartum and postpartum unit, and a locked crisis psychiatric unit. I earned a doctorate in Educational Leadership from the University of Southern California, a master’s degree in Community Mental Health Nursing from the University of Hawaii (clinical nurse specialist), a master's degree in Clinical Psychology from Argosy University, a Master of Studies in Law from the University of Southern California, and a bachelor’s degree in nursing from Seattle Pacific University. I am also a certified nurse educator and work as a licensed mental health counselor in private practice.
Additionally, I serve on many boards, including the Inland Empire Nurses Association, the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) board commissioner, the MultiCare Human Subjects Institutional Review Board, Girls Scouts of Eastern Washington & Northern Idaho Board of Directors, the Northwest American Red Cross Board of Directors. I also serve as a certified disaster mental health counselor and youth disaster preparedness educator for the American Red Cross. Lastly, I am certified in healthcare compliance and business law, and am passionate about ensuring safe, quality patient care through legislative work and health policy. Evidence-based health laws and policies can prevent disease, promote health, and keep people safe at the local, state, and federal levels.
I appreciate your consideration.”
Secrett Simmons, RN
District 7, Deer Meadows
RN PACU/ Cath Lab, Confluence Health
Certifications, honors, and awards
NCW nurse of the year, 2019 Education/Mentorship, and Daisy Awardee
“With the current changes in our state healthcare system, I would like to join WSNA to advocate for our nurses. I would like to get involved in the legislative side. I am new to this area of healthcare, but I am ready to learn and speak on behalf of our nursing community. I have 20 years of bedside acute-care experience. I would like to bring that to the table in real – time perspective. I have experience in teaching, speaking, and networking. I am a natural born leader and would like to exercise my strengths for real change.”
Kathleen Thompson, BSN, RN, CDCES
Inland Empire Nurses Association, Spokane
Staff Home Health Nurse, Providence VNA Home Health
Certifications, honors, and awards
Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist
“I have the time and interest to volunteer for this position. I am passionate about advancing the profession of nursing and protecting nurses and the public.”
Carey Wallace, RN
Southwest Region Nurses Association, Castle Rock
Chair (also serves on the Board of Directors)
Mikey Ann O’Sullivan, MSN, RN
Inland Empire Nurses Association, Spokane
Nursing Lab & Sim Director, Faculty, Spokane Community College, Nursing
Present office
At-large member, Professional Nursing and Health Care Council
“I am seeking this position because I have been serving on this committee and want to continue with the great work we have started in the past few years. I am on the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) subcommittee and want the opportunity to continue this important work. I feel that we can continue to make strides in educating Washington state nurses about DEI. What do I bring to this office? I am passionate about nursing, research, educating new nurses, promoting DEI, and being part of WSNA. My experience running a prenatal clinic for the underserved population and working as a triage nurse in a community health center is also a strength I bring to this position. This experience brings leadership and understanding of the needs of the diverse patient populations nurses serve. I am a nursing instructor and the Nursing Lab and Simulation Director at Spokane Community College. This experience brings knowledge of the up-and-coming nurses in Washington State and keeps me up to date with current practice.
I am committed to this committee and hope to continue to serve.”
Member At-Large (1 open position)
Anjanette Bryant, RN
Central Washington Regional Nurses Association, Ellensburg
Surgical Outpatient Nurse, Kittitas Valley Hospital
Present office
Chair, Cabinet on Economic and General Welfare Nominations/Search Committee
“I am interested in becoming more involved with my union. I have served as co-chair and AFT delegate, and on the nominating committee. I enjoy collaborating with other like-minded people ,and feel I would be a benefit.”
Xen Hunter, RN
King County Nurses Association, Seattle
Administration (1 open position)
Rachel Wang, MHA, BSN, RN-BC
King County Nurses Association, Seattle
Director of Nursing and Clinical Services, Neighborcare Health
Present office
Professional Nursing and Health Care Council, Administration
Certifications, honors, and awards
Ambulatory Care Board Certification
“I have enjoyed being a part of the Professional Nursing and Health Care Council to contribute to WSNA’s efforts to expand inclusion and representation of nurses in all settings, including community and public health, and to deepen the organization’s commitment to antiracism in nursing practice. I am excited to continue this work in the coming session.”
Education (1 open position)
Antwinett O. Lee, EdD, MSN-CNS, BSN, RN
King County Nurses Association, Lynnwood
Health Sciences, Education and Wellness Institute (HSEWI), Bellevue College Associate Dean of Nursing
Present office
Professional Nursing and Health Care Council, Education
Certifications, honors, and awards
2020 Seattle Pacific University Early Career Faculty Servant Award, 2019 Washington State Nurses Association (WSNA) Ethics and Human Rights Award Recipient, 2018 Honored as a Nurse Influencer by the University of Washington at the 100th-year Centennial Celebration, 2015 Student Nursing Organization Leadership Award, 2010 King County Nurses Association Shining Star Award: Outstanding Nurse 2010, 2006-2010 Mary Mahoney Professional Nurses Organization Outstanding Service Award: Service in the role of President, 2004 Nomination for the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Humanitarian Award, Seattle King County Department of Public Health, and 1995 Diversity Scholarship Award, Seattle University
“My work has been characterized by building diverse and inclusive teams, providing services and support for underserved students, and advocating for practices that addresses systemic discrimination. I have actively supported marginalized populations along the way. I have spent the past 15 years working to develop inclusive unified programs that break down barriers. Working to remove barriers and create teams of students, faculty, and staff of different backgrounds to be part of an inclusive core mission of social and human justice.”
Ethics and Human Rights (1 open position)
Chisula “Chi” Chambers, MPH, BSN, RN
King County Nurses Association, Renton
Surgical ICU, Peer Support, and EDI Consultant at University of Washington – Montlake
Certifications, honors, and awards
Nominated for Daisy Award, 2022
“Since March 2021, I have been seeking a position in WSNA to serve and support BIIPOC nurses. To empower the most marginalized nurses is to empower ALL nurses. To improve diversity and inclusivity is to increase productivity, teamwork, patient safety, and revenue. Throughout my 15 years as an LPN, I wished to participate and receive safe harbor and union protections. Last week was the moment that what I sought found me.
I am drawn to the Professional Nursing and Health Care Council because WSNA created a space for my two passions: Education and DEI work.
The valuable experience in DEI work is lived experience. There is no better education than experience and subsequent resilience and wisdom. There is also a deep compassion earned that extends to the sufferings of others that may be slightly foreign to my own. I speak to bedside and manager nurses about DEI awareness and small, practical steps we can make toward antiracism and belongingness. We cover the historical context of how we arrived today, uncovering the Black experience. But it is also easy and honest to honor the affairs of the first nations, the differently abled, and the LGBTQI. Now, over the last five years, as a faculty member in the Africana Studies Department of Eastern Washington University, I have had the privilege of practicing how to speak awareness and understanding into the minds and hearts of some of the most privileged, isolated, and sheltered people in the world. The culmination of my lived experiences, education, and years of teaching has informed how I uncover the hidden part of our society, policies, and traditions that continue to exclude and hurt the people we intend to serve. Just as in my nursing position, faculty position, and community connections, I hope to learn, grow, serve, and inspire.”
Practice (1 open position)
Alan Lee Brown, BSN, RN, CVN
Northwest Region Nurses Association, Ferndale
Resource RN, PeaceHealth St. Joseph Medical Center
Certifications, honors, and awards
“I am an outspoken advocate for patient rights and staffing safety. I’ve been a critical care nurse for 12 years.”
Alycia Taha, BSN, RN
Rainier Olympia Nurses Association, Olympia
Nurse navigator, Pulse / MultiCare Cardiothoracic Surgery, Tacoma
"I want to have an active role in the improvement of the nursing profession. As a former staff RN, I understand the struggles and frustrations of that role. In my current role I participate in a lot more administrative aspects, so I feel I have a lot to offer due to having worked both sides. I am currently pursuing my MHA/ MBA, and hope to use it to help drive change within my current organization."
Research (1 open position)
Gordon West, PhD, MHA, BSN, RN, FACHE, AMB-BC
Rainier Olympic Nurses Association, University Place
Assistant Professor, Pacific Lutheran University
Certifications, honors, and awards
ANCA Nursing Research-ANCA, Excellence in Nursing Research-Defense Health Agency
“I have 23 years of service in the military and have served in various roles and on committees. I have transitioned to an academic role, and I am currently teaching a health policy course, I think this position would be a great opportunity to serve and provide great teaching examples for my students.”
Member (4 open positions)
Luz Alvarez, BSN, RN
Central Washington Region Nurses Association, Sunnyside
Nurse, Astria Toppenish Hospital
“I would love to join my colleagues. I am outgoing, artistic, and have been in the nursing profession for the last 15 years.”
Chuck Cumiskey, MBA, BSN
Rainier Olympic Nurses Association, Olympia
Present office
Chair, Professional Nursing and Health Care Council, member of WSNA Board of Directors
“I am a member of the Finance Committee, a member of Long-Term Care and Community Care Committee, and I participate in ANA Member Assembly. I have the training to enhance improved communication with training communication certification in Arbinger Institute, Vital Smarts' Crucial Conversations, and Team STEPPS. My experience in multiple U.S. Army leadership positions gives me the strength to promote better teamwork. Furthermore, my 12-year employment and involvement with the Washington State Nursing Commission gives me a special understanding of nursing practice and regulation to be an asset to members of WSNA.”
Susan (Sue) K. Glass, MS, BSN, RN
Inland Empire Nurses Association, Spokane
Present office
President, Washington State Nurses Foundation; IENA Treasurer; IENA Investment Committee
"Would like to work on growing the active membership of WSNA, bringing new members into greater involvement, which will help to broaden our leadership. I am reliable and will follow through with my commitments. Have served on this committee this past year and would like to serve in this capacity again.
I would like to continue to help shape the priorities of ANA. Have served two prior terms on Membership Assembly."
Teri Trillo, MSN, RN
King County Nurses Association, Des Moines
Interim Dean of Nursing, Renton Technical College
Present office
KCNA Nominating Committee
Certifications, honors, and awards
CNE 2007-2022; SPU Distinguished Alumni
"I am well known in Nursing Education in Washington State. I currently serve on Nominating Committee with KCNA. I would like to be more involved in the WSNA."
Representative (12 open positions)
Julia Barcott, RN
See details under Board of Directors - Vice President
Sarah M. Bergenholtz, BSN, RN
See details under Board of Directors - Director at-large, staff nurse
Anjanette Bryant, RN
See details under Professional Nursing and Health Care Council - Member at-large
Susie Cervantes, RN
See details under Cabinet on Economic and General Welfare - Member at-large
Edna P. Cortez, RN
See details under Cabinet on Economic and General Welfare - Chair
Kelsey Gellner, BSN, RN
See details under Board of Directors - Director at-large, staff nurse
Susan (Sue) K. Glass, MS, BSN, RN
See details under WSNA Nominations / Search Committee
Martha Goodall, ADN, RN
See details under Board of Directors - Secretary / Treasurer
Jennifer A. Graves, MS, BSN, RN
King County Nurses Association, Seattle
Certifications, honors, and awards
WSNA Honorary Recognition Award, 2017; March of Dimes Distinguished Nurse of the Year, 2017
John Gustafson, BA, ADN, RN, CMSRN
See details under Board of Directors - Director at-large
Judith (Judy) Huntington, MSN, RN
King County Nurses Association, Kent
Present office
AFT Retirees PPC, Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority Citizens Advisory Board
Certifications, honors, and awards
2018 100 Nurses of Influence, UW School of Nursing; 2018 WSNA Hall of Fame; 2017 Honorary Membership, CNEWS; 2017 KCNA “Shining Star” Award; 2016 ANA Distinguished Membership Award; 2015 AANP WA State Ns. Practitioner Advocate Award for Excellence; 2015 Mary Mahoney Anna Foy Baker Award; 2012 Nurse.com Mountain West Regional Nursing Excellence Award “Advancing and Leading the Profession”; 1998 Honorary Doctor of Science, Kent State University; 1985 WSNA Honorary Recognition Award; 1984 KCNA Nurse of the Year; 1983 WSNA/ANA Honorary Membership Award; 1983 Finalist Award, American College Scholarship Program; 1981 - 1983 Fellow in Nursing Administration, Kellogg Foundation Fellowship Program
"I continue to be actively involved in the profession and want to help WSNA get ANA back to being relevant to nurses and the profession again. Being a part of the Membership Assembly will allow me the opportunity to help do that."
Evette Kendall, RN
See details under Legislative and Health Policy Council - Member at-large
Anne Landen, RN
See details under Cabinet on Economic and General Welfare - Member at-large
Jessica Lewellen, RN
See details under Cabinet on Economic and General Welfare - Member at-large
Mikey Ann O’Sullivan, MSN, RN
See details under Professional Nursing and Health Care Council - Education
Jon Olson, RN, CEN
See details under Cabinet on Economic and General Welfare - Secretary / Treasurer
Heather Stephen-Selby, MSN, ARNP-BC, RN
See details under Board of Directors - Director at-large
Anita A. Stull, BSN, RN
King County Nurses Association, Seattle
Present office
Chair, WSNA Bylaws/Resolutions Committee
"2023 is a Bylaw year for ANA. I bring the strength of five years on the ANA COB and well as years on the WSNA Bylaw/Resolutions Committee."
Alycia Taha, BSN, RN
See details under Professional Nursing and Health Care Council - Practice
Ruby Crisostomo Tan, RN
See details under Cabinet on Economic and General Welfare - Director at-large
Tristan Twohig, RN, CEN
See details under Cabinet on Economic and General Welfare - Director at-large
Lynnette Vehrs, MN, RN
Inland Empire Nurses Association, Spokane
Present office
President, WSNA
Certifications, honors, and awards
Lifetime Achievement award - ICNE
"I have been to the ANA MA a few times and I understand to importance of WSNA representation. It is a good networking meeting for WSNA."
Positions for the following sections are open to WSNA union members only.
Chair (also serves on the Board of Directors)
Sara M. Bergenholtz, BSN, RN
See details at Board of Directors - Member at-large, staff nurse
Edna P. Cortez, RN
King County Nurses Association, Shoreline
Registered Nurse, Recovery / Perioperative Acute Care Unit (PACU), Seattle Children’s Hospital
Present office
Vice-chair, Cabinet on Economic and General Welfare
Certifications, honors, and awards
Daisy award (Seattle Children's Hospital) 2006, WSNA Outstanding Local Unit Chairperson 2011 and 2017, and Joanna Boatman Staff Nurse Leadership Award 2019
“I am seeking the requested position as Cabinet chair and delegate for the ANA and AFT assembly. It is truly an honor and privilege to be part of my professional organization.
My passion is to continue my work to advocate for nurses along with WSNA, my professional organization.
Many of you have known me as the local unit chairperson from Seattle Children's Hospital. I am passing the baton to two new leaders.
I have been able to represent WSNA in many venues, such as in the Washington Center for Nursing member-at-large and as your Cabinet vice chair. I have been your delegate for the ANA and AFT/HCP general assemblies.
As an experienced nurse and especially a person of color, I know that I can represent nurses in various aspects within the state. I believe that the actions and the words I have relayed throughout the years in WSNA show what I can provide for the offices that I am running for.
Thank you.”
Vice Chair
(David) Jacob Garcia, MBA, MSN, BSN, RN, PCCN
Central Washington Regional Nurses Association, Pasco
Staff Nurse, Astria Sunnyside Hospital
Present office
Secretary/Treasurer, Cabinet on Economic and General Welfare
Certifications, honors, and awards
“I want to continue and expand the growth of WSNA and lend WSNA my experience and knowledge to help us continue to grow as a profession and as an organization!”
Secretary / Treasurer
Jon Olson, RN, CEN
Southwest Regional Nurses Association, Kelso
Registered Nurse, PeaceHealth St John Medical Center
Present office
At-large member, Cabinet on Economic and General Welfare
“Having served on the Cabinet on Economic and General Welfare and participating in the AFT Convention in Boston, I would like to become more active within WSNA. I believe this position will provide me an opportunity to serve other members of WSNA and nurses across the state. I have served on the Washington State Emergency Nurse Association as president, as well as the Government Affairs chair for eight years. In years past, I have been on the WSNA PAC Board, and vice president and president protem of our local unit.”
Member At-Large (7 open positions)
Susie Cervantes, RN
Central Washington Regional Nurses Association, Toppenish
PACU RN, Astria Toppenish Hospital
“I want the experience and to help make a beneficial change in nursing.”
Yunna Flenord, RN
Rainier Olympic Nurses Association, University Place
Charge Nurse CVICU, St. Joseph Medical Center – Tacoma
Present office
At-large member, Cabinet on Economic and General Welfare
“I am seeking to serve another term because I love my fellow nurses, and I want to help improve conditions for them. We work in the most stressful field there is, and I want to advocate for change so we can stop hemorrhaging nurses and keep nurses enjoying the career they worked so hard for. Serving fellow nurses in the positions I'm applying for would help me achieve that.”
Darryl Johnson, RN, BSN, BA, CCRN, TNCC
Inland Empire Nurses Association, Spokane
Staff nurse, Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center
Present office
At-large member, Cabinet on Economic and General Welfare
“I am seeking this position in WSNA to serve my fellow nurses. My talent and strength are that I don't ever give up.”
Anne Landen, RN
Rainier Olympic Nurses Association, Tacoma
ED Staff Nurse, MultiCare Good Samaritan Hospital
“I am seeking a position to better the working conditions for nurses. I feel passionately about advocating for my peers. I bring experience, drive, and enthusiasm in achieving better working conditions for nurses, as well as reaching for excellence in nursing practice.”
Jessica Lewellen, RN
Inland Empire Nurses Association, Spokane
Psychiatric RN, Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center
Present office
At-large member, Legislative and Health Policy Council
Certifications, honors, and awards
Certified as a psychiatric nurse
“For the E&GW Cabinet member at-large, I want to be more involved in the continuing growth and improvement of WSNA. I’m currently participating in my local unit's negotiations, and I really want to focus on improving that process for all locals.
Over the past five years, I have been involved in working with a variety of unions in Spokane, learning from all types of union leaders, and I have discovered the importance of collaboration from all working people. I’ve also been involved with various educational events as an attendant and educator. Lastly, I have learned the importance of communication and having a voice, especially with my participation in the Workplace Violence Committee.”
Shelly Melissa Mead, RN
Rainier Olympic Nurses Association, University Place
ED RN, St. Joseph Medical Center – Tacoma
“I have truly enjoyed my last two years as a grievance officer for my group at St. Joe’s. I am humbled by seeing what can be done fighting for one group, and I want to see changes as whole.”
Ruby Crisostomo Tan, RN
Rainier Olympic Nurses Association, Puyallup
Nurse, St. Joseph Medical Center – Tacoma
Present office
At-large member, Cabinet on Economic and General Welfare
Certifications, honors, and awards
Shining Star Caregiver for Service Excellence Awardee; Honors Award – Green River Community College, Pierce College; University of Washington Dean's List 2016; and WSNA Cabinet on Economic & General Welfare Adversity Award Recipient
“I am seeking this position in WSNA to be an advocate for Washington nurses. One of my priorities is to fight for better wages with quality medical benefits and retirement security.
I want nurses to have the freedom to join the union without facing the challenges of intimidation and harassment from management. I am a firm believer of self-advocacy, nurse advocacy, and advocacy for work organizations such as WSNA. I have learned all my advocacy throughout my nursing journey and real-life experiences. Learning and practicing to care for ourselves means we can care for others and extend our help to our community.
I have been a good ambassador for maintaining and promoting work-life balance.
Corporations should provide benefits, including paid sick time, family/medical, and or personal leave so nurses do not need to choose between financial needs and health.
Being a nurse means embracing a lifelong commitment in education. I also advocate for affordable higher education and career training programs when an employee becomes injured at work. One of my strengths is being strong and positive in times of adversity personally and professionally. I am a nurse who had one of our dialysis private companies here in Washington state get unionized despite all their push backs.
I will be a good candidate for the WSNA Cabinet on Economic and General Welfare because I have all the credentials, background, and experience needed.”
Tristan Twohig, RN, CEN
Inland Empire Nurses Association, Spokane
ED Nurse, Providence Holy Family Hospital
Present office
At-large member, Cabinet on Economic and General Welfare
Certifications, honors, and awards
Daisy award nominee and 2022 Nursing Excellence nominee
“My current involvement with the WSNA Political Action Committee, E&GW Cabinet member, local unit grievance officer, and negotiating team member has been both gratifying and fulfilling knowing that I can make a forward and positive difference for the nursing community locally and statewide. Working at the state level to advance nursing initiatives is a passion I have found in recent years as it incorporates a vastly diverse voice of nurses and a wider scope to make a difference while supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion. I believe in participation with professional organizations and collective bargaining to ensure fair and appropriate representation in the policy making process. I would hope to further participate in the state level of the WSNA to better the community of nurses while appropriating representation of those who may not be able to represent themselves. I believe that multilateralism in good faith will holistically better the cause of the WSNA and its members. I believe that fair and open communication and negotiation is a key for a successful altruistic community. I believe that collaboration is the cornerstone to the policy and legislative progress. I intend to bring these merits to the office that I hold.”
Member (3 open positions)
Lisa Bullek, RN
Central Washington Region Nurses Association, Yakima
Nurse, Astria Toppenish Hospital
“I would like to become more active in WSNA leadership.
Carina Price, BA, ADN, RN
Rainier Olympic Nurses Association, Lakewood
Nurse, St. Joseph Medical Center - Tacoma
Current office
Local unit Membership Officer; Staffing Committee Member, ADO Sub-Committee Member; Racial Justice Taskforce Member
"I have always supported my local bargaining unit and the union overall in my 22 years in healthcare, but never felt the time was right to be a more active member. Now though, I feel called to help protect and support the nursing profession. I work in my local bargaining unit as an officer to support new staff as well as our local unit membership in general, ensure safe staffing, ensure a safe work environment, and to create an environment for staff and patients that is racially just. I am dedicated and passionate about protecting nurses and advancing our practice. I participate in WSNA activities because I have learned that the conditions in which nurses work and our nursing practice are affected by change that occurs away from "the bedside;" and I would like to positively affect that change in any way I can. I seek two positions within the WSNA. The first position is as a member of the Economic & General Welfare Nominating/Search Committee. I would like to support efforts towards other nurses becoming more involved with WSNA. The second position is as a delegate for the 2024 AFT Convention. The second position would afford me the opportunity to join other union members/activists on a national level where I can become more fully-immersed in the union community to gain new information, tools, and skills that will help me further serve my local bargaining unit and the WSNA membership at-large."
Delegate (20 open positions)
Luz Alvarez, BSN, RN
See details under WSNA Nominations / Search Committee - Member
Julia Barcott, RN
See details under Board of Directors - Vice President
Anjanette Bryant, RN
See details under Professional Nursing and Health Care Council - Member at-large
Lisa Bullek, RN
See details under Economic & General Welfare Nominating / Search Committee - Member
Clara Bucio, RN
Central Washington Region Nurses Association, Yakima
Emergency Room RN-Charge, Astra Toppenish Hospital
Certifications, honors, and awards
"I would like to become more immersed in the WSNA culture and to continue to learn the different aspects that are offered. I have worked in a small rural community hospital on the Yakama Tribe reservation for the past 14 years. We are a huge agricultural area and therefore I have had the opportunity to serve many different cultures in this area. Coming from a small community we often get overlooked. We have limited resources but we have an amazing group of nurses in this area which in turn provides great nursing care for our patients."
Susie Cervantes, RN
See details under Cabinet on Economic and General Welfare - Member at-large
Edna P. Cortez, RN
See details under Cabinet on Economic and General Welfare - Chair
Emily Nollmeyer D’Anna, RN, C-EFM
Rainier-Olympic Nurses Association, Tacoma
Staff nurse, St. Joseph Medical Center – Tacoma
Certifications, honors, and awards
Bargaining Team of the Year 2022 WSNA
"I am seeking to become a delegate to AFT in order to join together with other union members and activists around the country to share our struggles and accomplishments. I was honored to give a presentation together with other local unit officers and organizers at the 2022 AFT Healthcare Organizing Conference and at the 2022 WSNA Leadership Conference. We were able to share how we built a diverse bargaining team, built solidarity within our local unit, and gain our contract victories. I am so proud that we were able to achieve18.5% in raises over 3 years as well as significant steps toward racial equity. Through my union involvement I have become a fierce advocate for patient safety and better working conditions. I am able to connect with others, listen to their stories, and assist them in advocating for themselves. Throughout the last year I have worked with WSNA to initiate complaints to DOH that resulted in investigations which lead to significant improvements in patient safety on my unit. I am passionate about correcting injustices and improving the professional lives of nurses everywhere."
Anita Dennis, RN
District 15, Prosser
David Drew, BSN, RN, MHP
King County Nurses Association, Edmonds
RN2, Adult Psychiatric Unit, UWMC - Northwest
Certifications, honors, and awards
Volunteer Leadership Award, American Red Cross, SW WA Chapter, Vancouver, WA – Sep 2016; Florence Nightingale Award, Clark College, Vancouver, WA – Jun 2014; Person of the Year, Time Magazine, New York City, NY – 2006, 2011
"I am represented by WSNA as a nurse at UW Medical Center - NW. This is the second job I’ve had with union representation since working on a factory floor the summer before going off to college. I was paid well then and now; thank you WSNA. I practice as a psychiatric mental health nurse. Mental health is more than the absence of mental illness. Mental wellness is safe patient ratios, adequate compensation, freedom from violence at and away from work, and mechanisms to ensure them. We deserve this as everybody deserves housing, food, healthcare, and fulfillment. I have been a nurse for 9 years come this July working in a variety of roles. I am a well-seasoned activist and organizer advocating for diverse communities and causes: BIPOC, LGBTQIA+*, abortion care, psychedelics, universal healthcare, et al. Vulnerability is my strength. I imagine a future free from exploitation. What doesn’t kill me sharpens my teeth. I am seeking this position because now is always a good time to act together so we can serve those in our care as we find care ourselves. I will bring my perspective, my attention, and my conscience to this position. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Now go and vote!"
Yunna Flenord, RN
See details under Cabinet on Economic and General Welfare - Member at-large
(David) Jacob Garcia, MBA, MSN, BSN, RN, PCCN
See details under Cabinet on Economic and General Welfare - Vice Chair
Martha Goodall, ADN, RN
See details under Board of Directors - Secretary / Treasurer
Teresa Hill, RN
King County Nurses Association, Seattle
Evette Kendall, RN
See details under Legislative and Health Policy Council - Member at-large
Anne Landen, RN
See details under Cabinet on Economic and General Welfare - Member at-large
Jessica Lewellen, RN
See details under Cabinet on Economic and General Welfare - Member at-large
Shelly Melissa Mead, RN
See details under Cabinet on Economic and General Welfare - Director at-large
Jon Olson, RN, CEN
See details under Cabinet on Economic and General Welfare - Secretary / Treasurer
Carina Price, ADN, RN
See details under Economic & General Welfare Nominating / Search Committee - Member
Ruby Crisostomo Tan, RN
See details under Cabinet on Economic and General Welfare - Director at-large
Kathleen Thompson, BSN, RN, CDCES
See details under Legislative and Health Policy Council - Member at-large
Tristan Twohig, RN, CEN
See details under Cabinet on Economic and General Welfare - Director at-large