Bylaws amendments
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The General Assembly, held every odd-numbered year at WSNA's biennial Convention and open to all WSNA members in good standing, is the
highest decision-making body within WSNA. Among its duties are considering and voting on
proposed resolutions and proposed changes to the WSNA bylaws.
The WSNA Bylaws Committee met several times during this biennium to review the bylaws in depth and develop proposed amendments. Those proposed amendments were then considered and approved by the WSNA Board of Directors.
On May 18, the General Assembly discussed all proposed bylaws changes and voted to send most of them to be voted on by the full membership. However, this year the General Assembly was asked to vote to approve specific bylaws changes to permit electronic voting on bylaws. (Article VIII, Section 1(A) and proposed Section 3). Because we are moving to electronic voting for the WSNA elections, approving this bylaws change was necessary to permit the inclusion of the proposed bylaws amendments for a vote along with the ballot for WSNA elections.
What follows is a summary of both substantive and non-substantive changes that were considered by the General Assembly.
Non-substantive changes
- Changes name of Bylaws Committee to Bylaws/Resolutions Committee.
- Updates or clarifies language in various areas: For example, changes “Chairholder” to “Chair;” changes ANA “delegates” to “representatives;” makes grammatical changes to provide greater clarity.
- Makes explicit the option of electronic voting in WSNA elections.
- Clarifies purpose of organizational affiliate program.
Substantive changes
- Changes name of Cabinet on Economic & General Welfare to Labor Executive Council; Changes other references to “Economic & General Welfare” to “Labor.”
- In order to comply with new Washington nonprofit corporations law, adds a requirement to hold a WSNA membership meeting in even-numbered years. This meeting will not make decisions on policy, vote on bylaws or resolutions, or elect officers (and may be held virtually).
- Provides that one of WSNA’s purposes is to promote racial and gender equity.
- Adds gender identity to the list of factors which shall not restrict WSNA’s purposes or membership.
- Adds a definition of “good standing,” addresses the effect on membership rights of not being in good standing, and how members may maintain or regain good standing.
- Clarifies that Local Unit Program members (non-RNs represented by WSNA for collective bargaining) may vote for, be elected to, and attend national or international labor organizations with which WSNA is affiliated.
- Clarifies that only WSNA/ANA members may vote for representatives and alternates to the ANA Membership Assembly.
- Requires that WSNA president or vice-president must be in attendance at General Assembly as part of requirement for a quorum.
- Provides that a member may not run concurrently as a candidate for more than one board, council or committee position.
- Expands options for representation of organizational affiliates on WSNA councils and committees.
- Provides that the WSNA fiscal year of the WSNA shall be determined by Board of Directors policy.
- Provides an option for approving WSNA bylaws changes by electronic ballot (this will be presented to the General Assembly for approval so that the rest of the proposed amendments may be voted on electronically by the membership).