WSNA Update, March 7, 2023
Posted Mar 7, 2023
![Blue ICU](
Upcoming Bargaining Sessions
Our upcoming scheduled bargaining sessions are on this Thursday and Friday, March 9 and 10, with additional sessions on March 20, 29 and 30. The contract expires on March 31.
On bargaining days and Blue Fridays, please continue to show your WSNA team spirit by wearing your WSNA swag, buttons and stickers.
You can be creative by wearing Blue clothing or scrubs, or your WSNA T-shirts if allowed in your department.
What happens during bargaining sessions? Come find out. Come support your team. We’re welcoming observers. Contact WSNA Organizer Grace if you’re interested, or call/text 206-553-9794.
Department of Health Hearing Postponed
The DOH hearing regarding the plans for the new Good Samaritan hospital tower, originally scheduled for March 15 is postponed. We will update you with the new hearing date as soon as we know.
If you are interested in speaking or submitting written testimony, please contact .
Sign the Petition
Let’s stand in unity on the importance of safe staffing ratios, break nurses, realistic expectations for Per Diem nurses and for a fair contract.
We will deliver the signed petition to MultiCare Administration. Rather than deliver on March 15 as planned, we’re working on another strategic day to deliver it.
Please sign the petitions in your breakrooms or sign here online:
Thursday Sip and Chat
Join us every Thursday night from 8-9 p.m. for our virtual union Sip and Chat. Watch your email or contact an officer for the meeting link.
Local Unit Meetings – Bargaining Update, March 14
Please join us for a local unit meeting to get the latest information on negotiations. They will be in person meetings. Coffee and treats provided.
Virtual link to the meetings will be on our private Facebook group or contact Grace if you’d like the link –
Meeting Times/Locations:
Tuesday, March 14 from 8-9:15 a.m. MultiCare University 1317 E. Main Avenue, Puyallup.
Tuesday, March 14 from 8-9:15 p.m. Gordon Conference Room, Good Sam.
In solidarity, your bargaining team:
Mindy Thornton, Jared Richardson, Aaron Bradley, Raeli Korzeniecki, Dawn Morrell, Anne Landen, Eren Dao, Ashley Eubanks, Atalia Lapkin, Erin Butler, and Paul Grantham
Questions/Issues, contact Janet Stewart, WSNA Nurse Representative
Need shirts, buttons, stickers, or want to know how to get involved: contact Grace LaMonte, WSNA Organizer