WSNA News March 16, 2023
Posted Mar 16, 2023
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Show Your Union Spirit every Friday and Bargaining Days
Keep the team spirit going strong by wearing your WSNA blue, blue scrubs, stickers, buttons, badge reels and badge buddies.
PRIZES will be given for the most creative/most union spirited wearing of the blue.
Show MultiCare our unity and strength as we fight for a fair contract.
Gear up for Friday 3/17 Blue Friday and 3/20 Bargaining Session #6.
Last scheduled bargaining dates are 3/29 and 3/30. The contract expires 3/31.
Last Chance to Sign the Petition
Please sign the petition telling hospital administration that we deserve a contract that allows us to take care of our patients, our families, and ourselves!. Most of the units in the hospital are working understaffed, potentially creating unsafe conditions for patients and staff and putting nurses’ licenses at risk. Most nurses have to rely on the break buddy system to get their breaks, which doubles a nurse’s workload when they cover for their buddy. Some units don’t have problems with staffing and breaks and that’s a decent start – apparently, we need to fight to make management provide these necessities for every Good Sam nurse. Demonstrate your support and unity with your fellow nurses who are in desperate need for better working conditions and sign your name on the petition today:
Join us as we deliver the petition to Hospital Administration. Contact WSNA Organizer Grace at
Negotiations Observers
Come spend the day with us in Negotiations as an Observer – see how management responds to our demands for safe staffing and for yourself. Contact Grace to join or if you have questions.
ADOs – Staffing Complaint Forms
Fill out an ADO (Assignment Despite Objection form) to document unsafe staffing, missed breaks, inadequate equipment, lack of support staff and more every time it happens.
It’s quick and easy and critical to prove to management that nurses are missing breaks and are working in situations that are potentially unsafe for our patients, our health, and our licenses.
Good Sam Tower Expansion
Until Good Sam can staff the beds we currently have, we have concerns about MultiCare adding even more beds. If you would like to submit written testimony about your experiences with unsafe staffing for the upcoming Department of Health public hearing, please contact WSNA Nurse Representative Janet Stewart at The hearing date is not yet announced.
Join us for Thursday night Sip and Chat at 8:00 p.m. Virtual
Come chat with your bargaining team members, Thursdays at 8:00 p.m. Contact an office or your nurse rep for the link.
In solidarity, your bargaining team:
Mindy Thornton, Jared Richardson, Aaron Bradley, Raeli Korzeniecki, Dawn Morrell, Anne Landen, Eren Dao, Ashley Eubanks, Atalia Lapkin, Erin Butler, and Paul Grantham
Questions/Issues, contact Janet Stewart, WSNA Nurse Representative
Need shirts, buttons, stickers, or want to know how to get involved: contact Grace LaMonte, WSNA Organizer