Posted Sep 20, 2024
Have a safety concern? We need to hear about it.
It's Time to Get the Community Behind the Nurses
Did you know firefighters and police officers have safety measures in place currently to protect them in the field should they encounter a situation where they don’t feel safe? So why doesn’t VNA Home Health offer similar options to their RNs? Providence must do better for our nurses. Sign and share the community petition here to show Providence our community demands they put nurse safety first.
Retaliation is an Unfair Labor Practice
Recently, a nurse was retaliated against by management for indicating she would be filling out an ADO if forced to do a home visit in which she did not feel safe. This is not okay. Because of this, WSNA has filed an Unfair Labor Practice for the interference, restrain and coercion of the nurse’s Section 7 rights under the NLRA (National Labor Relations Act), by threatening to discipline for raising concerns regarding serious safety hazards. This charge is now being processed and we ask that all nurses fill out ADOs if they feel unsafe. If you receive any adverse reactions from management, report them to your Nurse Rep Jaclyn Smedley ASAP at To view the charge use this link.
There are protections in your WSNA Contract
While we continue to argue for additional safety measures in negotiations, we want nurses to know there is language in your current contract to protect you NOW.
Article 18.4 Safety Reports states “nurses are encouraged to report any unsafe working conditions to their supervisors. No nurse shall be disciplined for reporting such conditions, nor be required to work when she or he has professionally accepted grounds to believe such action would result in danger to life and safety.”
Therefore, if you are forced to see a patient which you feel the home visit could result in danger to life and safety, and you have indicated this to management (verbally and in writing) but are still required to go, fill out an ADO (Assignment Despite Objection) each and every time. Contact your Nurse Rep Jaclyn Smedley right away. This is a grievance.
REMEMBER – if it’s not documented, it didn’t happen. Find and bookmark the ADO form.
Team Safety is Our Priority
We have heard there is a patient assigned to the purple team that has a history of violence towards healthcare workers, and safety is a concern. We are asking all nurses to view all charts before making a home visit.
Next Local Unit Meeting:
Oct. 7, 2024 at 6 pm
Donni Heidenson’s house (contact an officer for the address)
A more detailed negotiation update will be presented, as well as the next call to ACTION.
Signed by Providence VNA Home Health, Negotiating Team
Kathleen Thompson RN
Carolyn Chandler RN
Amanda Crawford RN
Rachel Morgan RN