
WSNA's Position Statement on influenza vaccinations

Our stance is that RNs can make the decision as to whether or not they want to receive the flu vaccine. If the nurse refuses immunization, we agree with the CDC recommendation of wearing a mask in patient care (6 ft from patients) areas only. Breakrooms, hallways, parking lots, cafeteria, etc. are not considered patient care areas.

WSNA's position on mandatory influenza vaccinations and strategies to address influenza

WSNA is committed to advocating for the health of nurses, patients and the communities they serve. Because of this commitment, WSNA strongly recommends that all nurses and other health care providers be vaccinated against all influenza viruses. WSNA strongly supports and urges voluntary efforts that aim for 100 percent vaccination rates, including annual education and implementation of comprehensive influenza vaccination programs for all health care providers.

WSNA supports enforcement of existing federal and state regulations to ensure that all employers meet the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) andOccupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) requirements for influenza prevention.

WSNA believes a hospital-by-hospital approach to mandatory vaccinations is poor public policy. It lacks consistency and adequate protection for patients and health care workers. WSNA believes that any vaccination policy is only one component of a comprehensive influenza prevention policy and should only be enacted as a result of federal or public health regulation. WSNA believes that any such regulation must include the following core components:

  • The policy must cover all health care settings and health care workers. This includes all settings such as hospitals, long-term care facilities, adult boarding homes, outpatient clinics, etc. Health care workers must include those licensed and unlicensed who work in close proximity to patients, (e.g. nurses, emergency responders, physicians, housekeeping personnel, health care secretarial staff, etc).
  • Employers must ensure that appropriate protection and safety measures are in place to provide a safe workplace environment for nurses and health care workers.
  • Employers must ensure that influenza vaccines are available and offered to every health care worker annually at convenient times and locations. The employer must not discriminate against or discipline nurses for the appropriate use of sick time.
  • If a declination form is required for vaccination, the nurse must be able to sign the form confidentially; that is, the nurse must not be required to divulge personal health information or declare the reason(s) for refusal of a vaccine. The employer must not discriminate against or discipline a nurse for opting out.
  • The employer must comply with CDC and OSHA Guidelines must be used for prevention, protection, and safety of nurses and patients.

In solidarity!

Gwen S. Parrick, BSN, RN; Chair

Kathy Cox, RN; Secretary/Treasurer

Laura A. Black, RN; Grievance Officer

Jeremy Aaron, BSN RN; Grievance Officer

Terri Williams, MS, RN; WSNA Nurse Rep