
WSNA bargaining update – First day of bargaining for your next contract!

We, your WSNA bargaining team, met with management on Monday, February 24. We passed our first proposal to management including:

  • wages that are competitive with north Sound area hospitals that will help recruit and retain great nurses and provide a fair living wage. To that end, we have proposed 15% year one, 10% the second year and 5% the third year.
  • other economic proposals such as double-time additions, shift differential increases, charge nurse premium increases, and a premium for when a nurse is working while staffed below the staffing plan requirement.
  • a proposal to eliminate the 3-day waiting period to access EIB.
  • proposals around staffing.
  • We will also be proposing language with improvements to health insurance benefits.

Next bargaining dates

We are disappointed the hospital is not available to meet again for close to a month. We have offered additional dates in an effort to meet sooner and are awaiting their response.

How can you support your team?  Please join us at our next bargaining sessions (date TBD). The next sessions will be held virtually, and all are invited to attend to observe. We expect to hear management’s response to our proposal at the next session. Watch for further information about dates and to receive a link to the session.

In solidarity, Your bargaining team,
Luka Cobb - lukamackay@gmail.com
Gwen Parrick - rsgsparr@whidbey.com
Laura Black - tomnlaura@hotmail.com
Ann Bell - anniebell66@gmail.com
Bonnie Brady - bonnielea@gmail.com
Jeannie Sandahl -  sandahlzoo@gmail.com