
(Virtual) Local Unit Meeting

Please plan to attend one of the below local unit meetings and bring a peer!

Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2021 1 - 2 p. m., 5 - 6 p.m. or 8 - 9 p.m.

  • Meet your WSNA Staff and officers – WSNA staff including your nurse rep, organizers, bargaining attorney and the Director of Labor and Organizing.
  • Find out what’s happening at WGH
    • Contract negotiations
    • Staffing
    • Unit rep and officer needs
    • Other news

Bring your questions and ideas. This meeting will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams. You can call in from your phone or join via computer.

Hosted by: your WSNA Local Unit Officers

Only nurses in the Bargaining Unit will be allowed in the virtual meeting room to attend the meeting. You will be admitted from the lobby so please hold tight as we admit folks.

This meeting is a confidential local unit meeting

Please contact your nurse rep or organizer (see contact info below) for call-in information if you did not receive an email or postcard.

Questions? Please contact your nurse rep, Sara Frey @ 206.575.7979 ext 3039 sfrey@wsna.org or organizer Annie Mansfield @ amansfield@wsna.org 206-247-4723.