
Updates for 2 recent MOUs

WSNA previously communicated to you that we reached agreement on two MOUs, one for incentive shifts and one for a bonus. In our enthusiasm to announce these agreements, we inadvertently shared them with you before they were finalized. The language has changed so please follow the links below to read the final agreements.

Incen­tive Shifts

If the hospital identi­fies a critical need to fill a shift, a manager will be able to post the need as an incen­tive shift. Nurses will be paid as follows for signing up for these shifts.

Extra Shift Length Incentive Lump Sum

4 – 7.9 hours $75

8 – 11.9 hours $150

12 hours $200

The MOU has a system in place to ensure an equitable distri­b­u­tion of these shifts. However, if there is an immediate need, it will be on a first come, first served basis. Nurses must meet their FTE to be eligible. Please review the MOU for details on meeting your FTE and for other infor­ma­tion regarding this incen­tive program.

View the incentive MOU

Appre­ci­a­tion Bonus

The hospital has agreed to pay nurses a recognition/​appreciation bonus. These bonuses will be provided to bargaining unit members on the following basis:

  • Nurses employed by Whidbey as of July 3, 2021, shall receive a $1000 appre­ci­a­tion bonus pro-rated by FTE with a 0.9 FTE or above being eligible for the full amount. Nurses employed after this date shall not be eligible.
  • Per diem nurses shall receive $250.
  • Bonuses are sched­uled to be paid on the next pay period.

View the Appreciation Bonus MOU

If you have any questions, contact WSNA Chair Gwen Parrick at rsgsparr@whidbey.com, or WSNA Nurse Rep Sara Frey at sfrey@wsna.org.