
Negotiations update

We, your negotiation team, met with management for our second day of bargaining on Friday, Feb. 18. We made progress in our discussions on daily overtime, improvements to rest between shifts and some other important topics. We are expecting to get the remainder of the hospital’s economic proposal at the next session, which is scheduled for Friday, March 4.

You will also be able to donate PTO to your team members. Your team is putting a significant amount of time into the preparation and participating in negotiations for a new contract on your behalf, so please consider donating some time. Please watch for further updates about the process for donating PTO.

In solidarity,

Gwen Parrick, Local Unit Chair, Hospice Care
Rebecca Pina, Co-chair, Walk-in clinic Oak Harbor
Luka Cobb, Secretary/​Treasurer, Hospice
Laura Black, Griev­ance Officer, MS
Ann Bell, PACU
Dori Painter, PACU
Louisa Dizon, ER

Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Sara Frey at sfrey@wsna.org.