
Negotiations and contract status update

Late last year, WhidbeyHealth approached WSNA to ask for an interim contract. Whidbey stated this was due to issues related to COVID. During COVID and considering the difficulties with negotiating around the pandemic, the WSNA Cabinet established a temporary process for approving interim contracts. In early February, WSNA met with nurses to receive feedback. Whidbey initially proposed a 0% wage increase however, WSNA has held firm that a wage increase was necessary and continued preparing to head into negotiations in April. The hospital’s financial situation in the past month has been serious at best and the hospital is falling further and further behind the area wages which will make it difficult to attract and retain nurses in the future. Whidbey again approached WSNA with a 1.5% across-the-board increase with a 1 -year contract extension. After your bargaining team discussed this offer, your WSNA team agreed to a 1.5% raise but for a shorter, 9-month period with us returning to the bargaining table in January. We will engage in full contract negotiations at that time. The hospital has accepted this. This extension will take effect on July 1, 2021 and expire on March 31, 2022.

We will be holding virtual meetings with nurses on Tuesday, April 13 to discuss any questions and/or comments you may have regarding the interim contract. This is a closed meeting for WSNA nurses only. The call-in information is the same for all times. You may join by computer or phone.

Virtual Meeting - Tuesday, April 13 - 8-9 am ~ 1-2 pm ~ 3:30- 4:30 pm ~ 7:30 – 8:30 pm

Contact your WSNA rep Sara Frey (sfrey@wsna.org~206-575-7979, ext. 3039) or WSNA organizer, Annie Mansfield (amansfield@wsna.org~206-575-7979, ext. 3059) for call-in information

Reminder, please make sure that we have your personal (non-work) email address. Your personal email is the Your WSNA officers and negotiation team are encouraging everyone to become involved. Stay informed by providing WSNA with your current contact information including cell phone number. We are also pleased to announce that Rebecca Pina is stepping into the co-chair role and Lucy Sinette has joined the officer team as a grievance officer. Questions? Please contact one of your team members, your WSNA rep Sara Frey or WSNA organizer, Annie Mansfield.

Your negotiation team,

Luka Cobb, Dori Painter, Angela Hansen, Ann Bell. Gwen Parrick, Lucy Sinette, Rebecca Pina

Please contact Travis Elmore, WSNA Nurse Rep, at telmore@WSNA.org or 206-575-7979 ext. 3117 with questions or to find out what you can do to get a fair contract!