
WSNA/DVA Coalition Bargaining Update

WSNA met with the Office of Financial Management for another negotiation session on August 28, 2024. We were due to have two days of bargaining August 28 and 29 but OFM shared they would not have any further counters for WSNA, and that the day was cancelled.

Currently, they continue to reject many of our proposals and are maintaining their position that there is simply not enough money. WSNA reiterated our proposal to compensate nurses who hold either a BSN or MSN and recognize the extra time and effort it takes to receive those designations. OFM rejected our proposal to reimburse nurses for their annual license fees. We reiterated our proposals for increasing night shift premiums and adding a premium for nurses who maintain the call-in phone as not part of their regular job duties.

OFM has not given us counters to our general wage increase proposal and we continue to wait. They have also proposed a removal of the 5% 24/7 Facility MOU and we strongly advocate that it be maintained. Removing the 5% combined with only offering 2% in year one and 0% in year two, we are concerned this will result in a loss of money for our nurses. OFM countered with a $1/hr premium for 24/7 facilities to include all our DVA homes, but it would only apply to evening and night nurses. We will continue to push for improvements on these numbers.

DVA continues to reject our proposal regarding scheduling voluntary overtime. WSNA proposed language that ensures nurses can’t have voluntary overtime shifts removed for a last-minute cheaper option or for agency nurses. In our meeting with DVA, they expressed concern about not being able to remove assigned OT shifts and WSNA reiterated that shifts should not be removed once agreed upon. We feel strongly that as nurses plan for childcare and anticipate money in their paychecks, they shouldn’t have shifts removed from them.

DVA countered our per diem language with significant increases to per diem work requirements and WSNA proposed to go back to current contract language. WSNA is not interested in increasing per diem nurse requirements to the level DVA was asking.

How YOU can support your bargaining:

  1. Union membership- Join WSNA today. When you become a member, it shows management that nurses are paying attention.
  2. Observe bargaining sessions- next days to bargain are September 10, September 12, and September 17. These are observational only, no opportunities for speaking but you can give feedback to your nurse reps to share on your behalf. Contact your nurse representative for the Zoom link.

In Solidarity,
Laurie Robinson- WSNA NR Walla Walla Veterans Home
Janet Stewart- WSNA NR WA Soldiers and Veterans Home
Alle Machorro- WSNA NR Spokane Veterans Home