Your contract is ratified!
Posted Jun 17, 2021
We are happy to report, your contract has been RATIFIED by the nurses of the bargaining unit. On Tues morning, numerous nurses turned out to cast their vote, and the end result was unanimously “YES”. Congratulations of this huge victory PVNA nurses!
Next steps – After several weeks of incorporating the new changes into the document once complete, it will be ready for signatures. After this, the new agreement will be posted to your WSNA local unit web page ( for easy viewing and downloading. We will notify you when it’s ready!
July 7, 2021
Your negotiating team is hosting a ratification social!
5 to 7 p.m.
Marilee Naddy’s house
Address: 1524 E 35th Ave, Spokane.
Catered by Ferrante's Marketplace Cafe

Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Jaclyn Smedley at