Newsletter August 2019
Posted Aug 21, 2019
You have a new Nurse Rep! Meet Jaclyn Perkins, BSN, RN - WSNA Nurse Representative

"Hello fellow nursing colleagues! It’s my true pleasure to be a part of your WSNA team at PVNA. My name is Jaclyn Perkins, and I have been a registered nurse for 15 years, and a WSNA Nurse Rep for 10 years. Before coming to work for WSNA, I specialized in the operating room, where I had the pleasure of serving as a WSNA Local Unit Rep, sitting on the negotiating team, and felt the experience of being a grievant for an unsafe working condition. Since my time at WSNA, I have enjoyed representing nurses through negotiations, the grievance process, labor management committees, and disciplinary situations. This only skims the surface of the work that I have done to support nurses voice in the profession that we know and love. I find that together we will make change for the greater good. I love the nursing profession, and I love nurses. To be able to help support the very people on the frontline who make the magic of patient care happen is my passion. Please never hesitate to call me with a question or an issue you may have, or to simply say hi! We are united, and we are one!”
Contact me at: or 1-800-231-8482, ext. 3118.
Announcing Election Results: Congratulations to your new Local Unit Officers!
Annette M. Thomas, WSNA Local Unit Chair (Not pictured)
Val McCanna – WSNA Local Unit Vice Chair
“I had several conversations with other nurses at work before deciding to become a union rep. We now have a strong progressive group who together with my insights can bring unity and support to the PVNA nurses. I am excited to be part of this WSNA Union.”
Kathleen Thompson – WSNA Local Unit Secretary
“I am the new Secretary for our local bargaining unit. I have been at PVNA for one year (I am the Certified Diabetes Educator-CDE), but it still seems like I am in orientation. I learn something new every day! So much has changed since I worked in home health in the early 90s! Besides home health, I worked for a year in PICU in Las Vegas; a year in the critical access hospital in Omak, a few years in hospital case management, and nearly 20 years in quality improvement in 2 federally qualified health centers in Okanogan and Moses Lake. Leading improvement initiatives is one of my ninja skills. I volunteered to run for office because I have the time and the skill set. I think I have been the Secretary in every organization I ever joined.”
Lisa Figg – WSNA Treasurer
Marilee Naddy – WSNA Local Unit Grievance Officer
“I graduated my nursing program in 1974. I have appreciated the flexibility of the profession as it has related to my personal life. Yes I have had many positions.... and each selected to fit with my family. My experience ranges from hospital bedside, chem dep. , Associate Program Director of a brain injury program CPHQ QI insurance, Director of 150 bed SNF (no sanctions or decubs in my building) to consulting, insurance review, case management in insurance, rehab, and hospital based and then documentation analysis. I landed at PVNA in 2013 and started Case Management in central and now the south hill. I like to think I have the wisdom of the years... and it will be helpful in the role of Grievance Officer. I look forward to working with Administrators and my colleagues as we journey through these dynamic times in home health. Please feel free to contact me with issues or concerns. Together we will walk the walk.”

Local Unit Meeting: Come for a “meet and greet”
Not sure what the union does?
Not sure what might rise to the level of a "concern" to share with the union?
Come to the next Local Unit meeting to find answers to these questions and to meet your new Union Representatives.

Location: Frankie Doodles
313 E 3rd Ave, Spokane, WA 99202
Date: Sept 24
Time: 5:00 pm
Staffing Concern/ADO forms
Having to work lots of overtime? You can help yourself and your colleagues by completing an ADO form.
By completing the form, you are helping to make the problem known to management, which creates an opportunity for the problem to be addressed. Additionally, you are documenting the facts, which may be helpful to you later if there is a negative outcome.
These are other reasons to complete the ADO form, though some may not apply in a home health setting:
- Charge nurse is unable to perform charge nurse duties, secondary to increased patient care assignment
- Inadequate nurse to patient ratios for patient acuity based on your clinical judgment
- Insufficient support staff requires you to assume additional duties
- You are not trained or experienced in the area assigned
- You have not been oriented to this unit / case load
- Patient care equipment missing or unusable
- Necessary equipment is not available (e.g.: supplies, IVs, medication availability)
- You are not trained or experienced to use equipment in assigned area
- System failure (e.g.: computer, phone, pyxis, call system)
- An assignment poses a serious threat to your health and safety
- An assignment poses a serious threat to the health and safety of a patient under your direct care
- Forced / mandatory overtime
- Missed breaks
The link to the Staffing Complaint/ADO form can be downloaded and saved onto your personal cell phone so that it is available all the time. To access the form, go to
Once you complete the online form, your WSNA Nurse Rep, and Local Unit Chair / Co-Chair will be notified immediately by email. Be sure to write in your manager’s email address at the bottom of the form so that they receive a copy as well. ADO’s will be discussed during Labor Management Meetings.

Overtime, Overtime and More Overtime
We are continuing to have conversations with management about this issue and we believe that they are hearing us! We will continue to monitor this situation.

Are you a Coug fan? Been meaning to attend a game? WSNA Nurses get a discount on tickets during medical appreciation night! Call, tell them you are a WSNA Nurse and receive the officer today! (UCLA vs WSU game only)
P: (509) 315-9392
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